24. In Sickness & In Health

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Arjun's POV

As I carefully laid Shruthi on the bed, a soft sigh escaped her lips, and I couldn't help but feel the pressure of the incident weighing heavily on her delicate frame

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As I carefully laid Shruthi on the bed, a soft sigh escaped her lips, and I couldn't help but feel the pressure of the incident weighing heavily on her delicate frame. The room now held the echoes of her silent struggle, and I found myself grappling with a surge of protectiveness.

Noticing that she wasn't wearing a top, I fetched one of my t-shirts from the closet. Gently draping it over her, I tucked her in. The room, bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, bore witness to the vulnerability she had entrusted to me.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, my gaze lingered on her serene face. The lines of worry etched in her features hinted at the ordeal she had faced outside. A torrent of conflicting emotions surged within me, a mixture of anger at the unseen threat that had shaken her and frustration at myself for my inability to shield her from it.

As I looked down at her, clad in my oversized T-shirt, I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience she displayed even in her slumber. Yet, a nagging regret gnawed at me. She had insisted on home at night alone, asserting her independence, but my heart yearned to have been there for her, to chase away the demons that were part of this cruel world.

"You're safe, Angel. I won't let anything harm you," I vowed softly, my words a solemn pact to vanquish the fear that had dared to encroach upon her peace.

I leaned down to press a gentle kiss upon her forehead. Yet, as I rose up from the bed to do something aboutconfronting the cruel demon that had crossed her path, her hand curled around mine, a silent plea anchoring me in the cocoon of our shared vulnerability.

"Arjun, stay," her drowsy voice murmured, a plea that echoed through the room. Unable to resist, I settled back onto the bed beside her, my fingers entwining with hers. "I'll be here, Shruthi. Always," I reassured, the weight of her trust guiding my commitment.

In that quiet moment, I became both the guardian of her dreams and the avenger of her nightmares. The room enveloped us in a hushed silence, and as she nestled into my embrace, I held her close, determined to be the wall that shielded her from the memories of the night.

Once I was sure she was fully asleep this time, I pulled myself away from her even though that was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I looked around the night stand looking for something until I found it.

My fingers danced over the phone's screen, navigating through the passwords and apps. I knew her password since it was the same from her first phone. I hesitated for a moment, conflicted about invading Shruthi's privacy, but the haunting images of her distress propelled me forward.

I opened the phone app and scrolled through her call log until I found the most recent number. I sent that number to myself and that's when I saw how she saved my contact as.


My heart skipped a beat as I glanced at Shruthi's saved contact on my phone. A rush of nostalgia and warmth enveloped me when I saw that she had labeled me as "Crazy" - a term she playfully used during our younger years, a time when our connection was marked by innocent banter and carefree lifestyle.

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