58. She knows

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Arjun's POV

As Aarav's gaze met mine, panic flickered in his eyes, but I offered him a shrug, silently urging him to compose himself

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

As Aarav's gaze met mine, panic flickered in his eyes, but I offered him a shrug, silently urging him to compose himself. Meanwhile, Shruthi's questioning continued, as she became more confused.

"What's going on, Aarav?" Shruthi asked, her tone a mixture of concern and bewilderment.

Aarav stumbled over his words, his gaze darting nervously between us. "Uh, I... uh..." he stammered, clearly at a loss for words.

As Aarav struggled to  find the right words, I couldn't help but suppress a smirk, thoroughly enjoying seeing him in this awkward situation.

While Shruthi continued to bombard him with questions, oblivious to the tension, I leaned against the doorframe, watching Aarav squirm trying my best not to laugh.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Shruthi," Aarav stammered, his eyes flicking nervously between Shruthi and me.

I maintained my innocent act, shrugging casually in response to Aarav's unexpected appearance at Anandhi's house.

Shruthi's confusion was obvious in the way  she questioned Aarav's presence. "Neithet did I Aaarv. What are you doing here? Isn't this Anandhi's place? " she asked.

I resisted the urge to interject, allowing Anandhi to come up with a quick excuse.

Anandhi quickly stepped in, with a awful explanation. "Aarav came over to help me with some things," she explained, shooting me a glance.

Despite Anandhi's attempt to smooth things over, Shruthi still seemed conflicted as she turned to Aarav for clarification.

Aarav, clearly uncomfortable under Shruthi's scrutiny, attempted to explain himself. "Yeah, that's right. Just lending Anandhi a hand," he replied, uncomfortably.

I couldn't help but find the situation amusing, watching as Shruthi searched for answers, her suspicions growing with each passing moment.

"My friend is the house owner, they needed help with something so I just came over", Aarav said rubbing his neck nervously.

"How is your friend the owner of this flat?" she pressed.

Aarav's response was hesitant as he tried to save the situation. "Well, you see, you're the one who asked me to help her find a place," he began, his words faltering slightly. "And my friend happened to have an extra room available."

"I see," she murmured, still not entirely convinced.

Sensing Shruthi's growing frustration, Aarav said, "Shruthi, I understand you're tired," gesturing towards the door. "Why don't we go inside first and deal with this later?"

Shruthi seemed to consider his suggestion for a moment before stepping forward, but Anandhi intercepted her with a warm hug and turned her around so she was looking away from the house, effectively stopping her from going in.

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