66. All Alone

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Arjun's POV

As I watched Shruthi's figure go into the distance, my heart sank, and a profound sense of emptiness washed over me

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As I watched Shruthi's figure go into the distance, my heart sank, and a profound sense of emptiness washed over me. I felt utterly lost, kneeling there on the cold floor, grappling with the overwhelming weight of her departure.

My mind raced with questions, each one more agonizing than the last. Where had I gone wrong? What had I done to make her doubt me, to push her away? And what the fuck was the deal she was talking about? The very notion sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a gnawing sense of dread deep within me.

I replayed our moments together in my mind, searching for clues, for any sign of where I had faltered. Had I been blind to her needs, to her fears? Had I failed to see the cracks forming in our relationship until it was too late?

But amidst my thoughts, one thing remained painfully clear: I had lost her trust, and with it, the woman I loved more than anything in this world. As I struggled to make sense of it all, regret washed over me, mingled with the ache of knowing that I had let her slip through my fingers.

I vowed to find the answers, to unravel what the deal she spoke of was actually about and to win back her trust, no matter the cost. From what she told me, I know that this is all a huge misunderstanding.

But I didn't know what was the root of it. If I had a choice, I would have tied her up to chair and made her listen to my explanation. But she was too hurt for that, and her trust in me was completely lost. Nothing I said would have gotten through to her. So I let her go for now.

I dialed Veera's number with trembling fingers, my heart heavy with guilt and desperation. As Veera picked up the call, my voice wavered slightly as I spoke, "Veera, it's me. Angel is coming to your place. Can you please make arrangements for her to go to Bangalore?"

Veera's tone was tense as he responded, "What happened, Arjun? Why is she leaving?"

I sighed, my voice laced with regret, "I'll explain later, Veera. Right now, I just need you to take care of her for me."

My voice softened slightly as I continued," I made a mistake, and I regret it so much. She needs some right now and you're the only person she has."

Veera's tone turned sharp with anger as he spat, "I will fucking kill you for hurting her, Arjun."

My chest tightened at Veera's words, knowing the pain I had caused. "I know, Veera. And I'm sorry," I whispered.

Filled with resignation, I responded, "I died the moment she left the house. You can do whatever you want to me when you see me. For now, please just take care of her for me, Veera. It hurts me so much to see her like this, to see her not trust my words. She looked at me with so much hurt, that I thought I was going to die."

"You don't have to ask me of this. I will always be there for her."

"Thanks Veera. I think I know who is behind all this, but I need to confirm it. Please just take care of her till I get to the bottom of this." I said my rage starting to boil.

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