I shook my head, unable to comprehend how he could suggest such a thing at a time like this. "How can I sleep when Meera is like this?" I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "She's undergoing surgery, Arjun. What if something goes wrong?"

Arjun reached out, his hand enveloping mine in a reassuring grip. "Shruthi, nothing will happen to Meera," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "There are plenty of doctors there, and they will take care of her. We have to trust that she's in good hands."

His words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of my fears, and I found myself nodding in reluctant agreement. "Okay," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll try to sleep."

As I closed my eyes, I felt Arjun's presence beside me, a comforting presence in the midst of uncertainty. With his words echoing in my mind, I allowed myself to drift into an uneasy slumber, hoping against hope that everything would be alright.

The airplane jolted and shook as turbulence rocked our short flight. Beside me, Arjun remained steadfast, his hand a reassuring presence in the midst of the chaos.

As the flight attendant announced our descent, a surge of relief washed over me. We were almost there—almost to Chennai, almost to Meera. With every passing minute, the knot in my stomach tightened, a relentless reminder of the stakes at hand.

As we got down from the plane and rushed through the terminal, time seemed to blur into a frantic haze. The minutes ticked by with agonizing slowness, each second stretching out into eternity. But somehow, miraculously, we made it—just in time to see Meera before she went into surgery.

The sight of Meera lying in the hospital bed, pale and fragile, sent a pang of anguish coursing through me. She looked so small, so vulnerable, surrounded by a sea of medical equipment and sterile white walls. But despite the fear that threatened to consume me, I forced myself to remain composed, to be there for her when she needed me most.

As Meera laid, her eyes filled with uncertainty, I could feel the weight of her fear pressing down on me. "Will I be okay Dr Shruthi?" Meera asked, her voice feeble and, her gaze searching for reassurance.

I took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of strength within me. "Yes, Meera," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside. "You'll be okay. I promise you. The doctors are going to take good care of you, and you're going to come out of this stronger than ever."

Meera nodded, her expression a mixture of resignation and resolve. "Will you be there with me?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

I reached out, taking her hand in mine. "Of course, Meera," I promised, my voice filled with conviction. "I'll be right there by your side the whole time."

With a grateful smile, Meera squeezed my hand.  "Thank you, Dr. Shruthi," she whispered,smiling even though everyone there was worried for her sake.

As the nurses bustled around us, preparing Meera for surgery, I stepped back, allowing them to work their magic. With a heavy heart, I turned to Arjun, "I'll go change into the operation scrubs," I said softly. "And then I'll be right back after the surgery."

Arjun nodded. "I'll be here when you come back ," he promised, his voice a steady anchor in the storm.

With one final glance at Meera, I turned and made my way to the changing room, my heart heavy with the weight of what lay ahead. But as I slipped into the sterile hospital scrubs,I knew I needed be there for Meera, every step of the way.

As the surgery progressed, tension hung heavy in the air, each passing moment fraught with uncertainty. The surgeons worked with meticulous precision, their movements calculated and deliberate as they navigated the delicate intricacies of Meera's condition.

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