A shadowy figure looms over my helpless body. I'm too tired to react, my mind slowly drifting away into sleep.

The footsteps circle around my body, moving in slow and deliberate motions. The figure stays out of my line of sight, keeping me in suspense.

As the footsteps continue to circle, I can feel my body growing even more weary. The exhaustion from my struggles is creeping up on me. The rain continues to pour down, the sound of it like white noise in my ears.

I closed my eyes, trying to brace myself for what was to come. The footsteps grew closer and closer, until finally, they came to a halt. The weight of his presence was undeniable now, and my body trembled slightly in fear.

As the footsteps stopped, I felt a hot breath in my ear. The smell was foul and the temperature of his breath burned my skin. I wanted to turn my head away, but my hands were tied and my body was numb. I could only wait helplessly for what was to come.

There was a long silence as he lingered, waiting for me to speak. I stayed still, too afraid to move. Finally, he spoke gently, his voice laced with malice.

"Don't be afraid".  I could hardly breathe, a cold chill running through my body. I stayed quiet, not daring to move. 

"I will give you very less painful death"  He stated firmly.  "Just close your eyes and I will take your life in seconds."

Fear paralyzed my body as I heard his words. I knew I shouldn't comply, I had to think of something, anything, to get out of this.

"Please, I don't want to die." I begged, tears filling my eyes. My voice trembled with fear.

His hand curled around my throat, his grip tightening every moment. My body started to shake and I felt myself choking under his grip.

"Then how about this, dear."  he continued, his voice softer now. "If you give yourself to me, I'll let you live.”

I was filled with terror at these words. The thought of giving myself to him just to survive filled me with revulsion, but the urge to live overwhelmed everything. I didn't want to die.

I could feel his hand start to loosen its grip. I began to hesitate, thinking about his words. If I gave myself to him.. then what would I have to do? "What do you mean by giving myself to you?" I asked nervously.

Suddenly I can feel his grip tightening around my throat once again. "So you refuse?" he asked, his voice dangerously quiet.

I wanted to speak but I couldn't get the words out, the grip was too tight. I could barely breathe and I was starting to panic. My eyes started to get blurry. I don't want to die but how can I live like this. I hate being powerless.

"Tell me the truth," he continued, "Will you let me exploit you or would you rather die?"

I looked straight into his eyes, trying not to show how terribly I'm scared. "I would rather die " He pushed me and start laughing.

"Now I know why that ruthless man love you so much " Who is he talking about? "You know what I just lost my wife because of him so now I'm going to make him suffer the same pain I went through" What the heck is he even saying? What his wife's death has to do something with me?

Suddenly he leaned towards me, his face just inches away from mine.

"And I'm going to start with you" His breath smelled like alcohol.

I'm trembling all over, frozen with fear. My body is numb but my heart is racing. I'm scared of what he might do to me. He's crazy, there's no telling what he could do.

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