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Me (author): hiii!! So before this starts this is a little later and star can talk (mostly). Star knows how to walk and comet knows how to crawl. He doesn't know what star is saying but goes along with it


You get the first pov from star!!!!

Star's pov:
Me and brother were in the crib. I was awake. I didn't like being in the crib.. it's not fun! Not fun at all! So I had a 'wonderful plan!' I slowly stood up in the crib. I climbed over the top and fell on the ground making a 'thump sound' luckily dada and daddy didn't hear it. I saw comet get up. He was about to cry but I hushed him. He looked at the finger covering his mouth and bit my finger. YA HE BIT MY FINGER.

"Ouch! Comet no!" I said guietly.

"Mhm!!" Hu hemmed madly.

"Hey, ummm do you want to go on an adventure?" I asked my lil bro.

He looked at me for a minute and smiled.

"That's what I thought! Now let me get you out! Take my hands!" I said.

He did and I pulled him out of it makeing him fall on me and hit his head on the floor.

He sniffled. I kissed his head on where he got his boboo.

He smiled. I then got up and opened the door slowly and guietly. I made room for comet to crawl through. I then walked out the door. I walked and comet crawled to the kitchen.

The reason I wanted to come out here is because I wanted snacks. Of course only me because comet only eats dada's milk. I opened the door to the small panterie. I then  took some cookies. Comet then reached out for one.

"Maybe just this one time?" I said as I gave comet the cookie. He tried to chew on it with his very small baby teeth. He managed to get a bite out of it.

He didn't chew on it and tried to swallow it. He began to coughed aggressively as tears filled his eyes. I didn't know what to do. I was crying and panicking.

Solar's pov:
I was snuggling ruin on the side of the bed. Then I heard comet. I got up and looked o
At the crib.

He wasn't there...

I ineadtely went out to the main room and saw comment chocking on something and star crying. I went up to comment and picked him up. I smacked the his back to get the food out.

Ruin ran out of the room and saw what was going on. He covered his mouth with his hands and was tearing up same with me. Then finally the food came out of his throught. Comet reached out for ruin and he took him. Comet began to cry in ruin's arms as ruin comforted him.

"Star! Your brother could of died!" I yelled at star.

Star began to cry...

Gid I'm an asshole....

"Sigh- sorry star... Come hear.." I said kneeling down.

Star crawled up to me and I picked her up.

She didn't know he couldn't eat it..

I took her to our room and saw they ruin had successfully put comet to bed. I then put star in the bed as well.

"I-i- don't think I'll be able to sleep again.." ruin said softly.

"We should put up motion triggers.." I said hugging him.

I picked up ruin. I put him on the bed and laid next to him. He fell asleep in my arms. I didn't. I cept an eye open at all costs so that nothing else happeneds.

613 words!
Me (author):
Hiii this have might of been kinda angsty because comet could of just died so um...

Have a good day/night!


solar x ruin!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora