you win

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Me (author): so ummmmm y'all really wanted this. Well I hope so... So um ya you guys win! No enjoy this chapter please and thank you.

Ruin's pov:
I woke up sore of course. But I also felt nousios. I still snuggled into solar as he slept in. But soon he woke up.

"Good morning sunshine" he said to me.

"Good mourning to you too honey" I said to him.

Solar's pov:
I slowly got out of bed stretching. I stood up and put a new pair of clothes on. Ruin got out of bed as well but did not succeed. He fell on his face because he couldn't walk. I went to him and put him back on the bed. I laid him down and put the blanket over him.

"Im going to take care of things ok? You stay in bed mister!" I said to him.

"FINE!" He said madly.

I haven't seen him get mood swings since he was pre- *gasp* is he pregnant again?! Oh gosh! Did I really get him pregnant again?! Like I want children but like I don't want him in pain! We're gonna have to take a test for that..

I went up to star's crib and picked her up. She wasn't awake yet so I rested her on my shoulder. I went in the kitchen and made her a bottle. In the middle of making it though she woke up. She wined a bit waiting for her milk. I stook her off my shoulder and gave her the bottle. She does eat like baby food but she prefers her milk over her food. After I fed her I went in the living room. I put her on a mat that you put baby's on and she rolled around playing with her toys makeing happy baby sounds.

"Don't go anywhere star! I'ma go get Daddy ok?" I said.

"Daddy!" She said.

"Mhm! Daddy! Ok?" I said to he, like she has ever understood me yet, I went to our room and saw ruin wincing.

Or poor thing. I went by him and picked him up. He was spooked a bit but let me pick him up. I took him out to the livingroom while star still played with her toys. I laid him on the couch.

"Do you want something to eat?" I said. 

"N-no.." he said.

I looked at him with sorrow as I rubbed his back with my hand.

"Daddy!" Star said laying on her tummy. She then crawled over to us. She went to my pants and tugged on them. I picked her up in my arms. She waved her hands over to ruin. Slowly ruin reached out to star. He grabbed her and held her. Star giggled and ruin smiled looking down at star. He yawned and star waved her hands at ruin's hat. He took it off and gave it to her. She took it roughly and began playing with it.

"She's feisty!" Ruin said as he put her back on the ground softly. Star was not happy that ruin put her on the ground. She started hitting her legs and arms on the ground. This was the first time solar and ruin saw star angry. She scooted up to us again and banged her hands on my leg.

"Fine" I said to her as I picked her back up. She then got guiet and fell asleep.

"Sigh- finally." I said ruin smiled. I got up and kissed his forehead.

I went to our room and put star to bed as best as possible so I don't wake her up. I then went out to the livingroom.

I sat next to ruin.

"So um ruin... Do you think that your like pregnant again?" I asked.

"I don't know... I think I am.. I do want another child!" He said.

"I do too!" I said as I hugged him.

"Then we should go find out!" I said.

(Later) Me ruin and star left the house.

We entered parts and service and saw Oliver (a.k.a me!! :3) ruin talked on the phone with her and they decided to do it today.

"Hi Oliver!" Ruin said.

"Oh hi ruin! Hi solar! Hi!!! Star! You got so big!" Oliver said.

Star giggled and I just waved.

"Sa y'all ready?" She asked.

"Mhm!" Ruin said.

Ruin did the protocol. He went in the tube thingy and Oliver took some tests.

"Ok so... You're pregnant!" She said.

I leped in joy as well as ruin.

"It we don't know the gender yet!" Oliver said.

"Well we don't haft to know now" solar said.

"Well your welcome to leave if you want!" Oliver said.

"K were gonna go! See ya oli!" Ruin said holding my hand.

We got home and ruin. Sat on the sofa, like he usually does. I sat next to him with star. I put her in the ground to play. She did play with her toys. Ruin snuggled into me happily and I wrapped my hands around him and watched star peacefully.

Me (author):
Hope y'all enjoyed!! Have a good day/night!!

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