somebody is not happy...

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Me (author): umm... So I need a plot so...

⚠️Warning: fluff or slight smut!⚠️

Solar's pov:
I was working with moon on the teleporter in the daycare. I still don't know why it's in the daycare especially the ball pit. Me and ruin have been dating for a month now and we're so happy. I actually had ruin move in so im so happy. He's lucky that he can stay home. We had an alert that something was trying to get through the portal. We let it come in because the computer said it was not a harmful thing. The thing crawled out of the ball pit. "Hi is this the dimension that has eclipse?" He said. "What eclipse?" I said. "He's like broken.." he said. "Oh you mean ruin? He was fixed by us not to long ago!" I said. "Great! Because he is coming back home! Well if he can!" He said. "He has to what?!" I said a little mad. "He has to come home if he can." He said. "Why?!" I said a little mad again. "well... Because he needs to get rid of the gator and help me with the storm thingy" he said. "well... First you can't stop the storm unless you have the star, and two, his memories were wiped." Moon said. "What how?!" He said clearly mad. "Well you see... After I cured him... He doesn't remember anything about his past life, like being bad. So he might not know how to stop Monty. "Can I talk to him at least? To see if he wanted to come with me?" He said. "Is that alright with you?" Moon asked me. "U-um- ya! But if he says that he doesn't want to go then he doesn't want to go!" I said sternly. "Um ok- let's go then " he said. I then teleported him, me, and moon to my house.  We saw ruin on the couch fighting with arcade parts to see what works. God- adorable everything he did was adorable- anyways off topic! He then saw us and gave us a smile. Cute-

Ruin's pov:
I saw them and I said "hi hun!, hi moon! And uh- oh um who are you?" I said confused. "Oh hi sharky! I wanted you to meet him!" Solar said pointing his arms to him. "What's your name?" I said. "well I'm your creator" he said flatly. "Oh umm... Hi nice to meet you!" I said I didn't really get good vibes from him. "So I actually have some questions for you!" He said. "Oh um go ahead!" I said. "Well do you wanna go home?" He said. "Um I am home..." I said. He then put his two hands on my shoulders and said " no I mean real home!" He said. I saw that solar was held back by moon. "Um no sorry... I actually don't even know who you are even are much... So it will have to be a no..." I said. He then gripped my shoulders tighter by hurting them in the process. "Why?! Just come home and we can help that world!" He said. "Um- uh I just don't know you that well and I-i... I... Owww... That kinda hurts can you please let go?" I said calmly for a person whose arms were being scratched from. He just grabbed it tighter. "Just say yes! Now! Now!" He said. "Please you're hurting me...!" I said tears slowly welding up in my eyes from the pain. Solar then got out of the grasp of moon. letting solar grab me out of my creator's arms. He picked me up and held me. "He said no!"solar said. "Sigh- then  Ima gonna go leave." He said. "I'll take him" moon said. "Ok then" solar said. Moon then teleported him and the creator. "Are you ok?!" He said. "ya im fine.." i said. He then Sat me down on the couch and lay on my lap and soothed and cuddled me by giving me kisses around the shoulders. The kisses felt nice... A little too nice.... "Mm.." I said accidentally leaving my mouth. Solar then looked at me. Then he  went for more kisses. I'm glad he didn't question it... I was so embarrassed.. why did I make that sound?! I don't know... Solar then stopped giving me kisses on my shoulders and just laid on me snuggling against me. Gosh he is just like a cat, but a cuter one. He laid on me and fell asleep. I just rubbed his back with my free arm. He started to purr.. wait? Purr!? Omg! He is like a cat! Oh my gosh! While I was dying of cuteness solar was sleeping peacefully and purring. He rubbed more against me and Made me feel weird again.. I made sure I didn't make any noise and wake up solar. I put my hand against my mouth so I don't make a sound. it stayed like that for a while.. I feel like he was teasing me to make a sound so he can get back at me.. well I wasn't! So! He can suck a d*ck! Wait.. but I... God damnit... I'm not good at this.. after a while he woke up and stopped purring. He saw that I was covering my mouth and just smiled. So he was teasing me! "H-how.. why?!" I said embarrassed while I took my hand from my mouth. "I don't know I just wanted to for revenge..." He said. "So you start rubbing against me and purring." I said. "Yep!" He said teasingly. He then put his hand on my chin getting up and kissed me. I didn't argue about that... I liked him kissing me.. I just kissed him back pulling him in. We stayed like that for a while. The times when I kissed them were just little bits of heaven to me... He then let go but I didn't. "Love bug I gotta get back to work now faz bear said.." he said. "But I don't want you to...." I said whining. He then gave me a kiss on my four head. "Love you" he said and teleported away. I sat there and just wanting to cry... But I didn't because it was faz bear, not someone bad. I then remembered my birthday was coming up and I didn't tell solar when my b- day was so I don't think I'll get things for my b-day. It was fine though... I'm just tired... I hope that guy does not come back again. I hope he doesn't try to kill MY boyfriend....

Me (author): hiii!!!!! I just wanted to say that  you guys really liked the last chapter so... I'll probably do that in the future... I'm a minor so I don't know if I can write it that well. And I am taking a little break on tic Tok! Nothing happens! I'm just not motivated! Sorry about that! Anyways have a good day/night!!

1167 words!!

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