acting is pain..

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Me (author): y'all..... My story has gotten a lot of attention... 😭!!! I'm so glad that you guys love it... Especially after solar died because of ruin... I took my break and I'm over it mostly.. when I see the edits on ticktock and art for his passing I have a really bad feeling in my stomach... It also happened right before his birthday.... So happy birthday solar!!! We all miss you and I hope you are resting with peace with sun and moon... Anyways let's get into the story!!!

Solar's pov:
Since in the show I'm dead, I don't have to act for the show for awhile but ruin does and I'm scared that he will be sick and not able to keep up on what is happening... I'm going to take good care of him even if he doesn't like it!! I'm still going to anyways!! When he gets home I will nonstop coddle him to death so that he feels good! Now I just have to wait... Mabey I should fix that one thing.. huh..? To be honest I'm just like the character I act... And also they used my name in the show because they thought i would be confused with eclipse... Sigh- I also can't believe that eclipse is a asshole even off camera... Anyways I should wait for ruin to get home...

(TiMe sKiP) :3333

Finally ruin got home looking drained from acting... "Hi... Solar" he said tiredly falling into my arms. "Hi Sharky.." I said to him as I hugged him back giving him a kiss on the forehead. He hugged back making tired sounds. As I held him I gave him kisses not wanting to let go. He slowly pulled away... "I'm sorry for falling on you... I'm just tired.." he said. I pulled him in. "Don't be sorry! You have a living thing in you right now!! You must be exhausted!! You're probably in so much you will feel comfortable and you will like it!" I said pulling him in more. He snuggled into me. "T-thanks" he said closing his weary eyes. I then picked him up (bridal style if you need to know..) I went to our room and laid him on the bed gently, but he did not let go... He just pulled me down with him forceing to sleep with him. I didn't complain he gets what he wants... And I'm here for it.. he soon fell asleep. I held him close and also fell asleep.

Ruin's pov (while acting):
Guess what, I'm going to act in like two vids.. that doesn't sound hard for a normal person or even a robot like me. But the thing in makes acting very hard. I had to take multiple breaks because I was getting terrible stomach aches. And puppet asked me if it was okay being on the ground. I said yes but I had to be extra careful so that I don't lay on my stomach.. why is being pregnant hard?! Sigh- I really hate being the bad guy now... I have to be in a lot of vids. And it could get very painful be walking around all day not being able to sit down longer that 5min until they shoot again. It took a while but not too long... When I was done I was very tired and people could tell. Monty asked me if I was ok. I just said I was very tired. I soon left and went home. When I got home I saw solar walk up to me I collapsed in his arms because my legs could not take it anymore. I stood up again because I thought it was very rude of me. I guickly got out of his arms and said sorry. He just pulled me in and said he didn't care and I just snuggled in him. He gave me kisses of course because he always does it. He picked me up and didn't complain. He then put me on the bed and pulled him in. He laid next to me and I snuggled into him falling asleep.

(Next day! :D!!)

I woke up and didn't see solar in bed. I stretched and got out of the bed slowly. I had a little stomach pain from yesterday but it didn't hurt that bad.. I walked to the kitchen. I said solar making food and drinking coffee. "Hi darling!" He said in a happy voice. I blushed a little knowing the last time he had called me darling. "Hi honey..!" I said in a tired voice. went up to him giving him a hug and a kiss. He did the same and I saw he was making pancakes my favorite. I smiled and gave him another kiss on the cheek. He smiled and continued to make the pancakes. I walked away and sat on the couch. I laid there napping a bit. My stomach didn't have any pain and it felt very nice and reliving. I then got up when solar called my name. I walked to the kitchen again slowly and saw solar with the done food. I smiled and walked up to him giving him a kiss. He kissed back and spread. "um I made you some food!" He said. I looked at it and almost cried of cuteness. It was decorated so nicely and it looked so pretty with the blueberries and strawberries scattered on it. I gave him a passionate kiss. I then speed slowly from his lips and smiled. "Your the best husband in the world!!" I said. "Well to be honest there are better people-" he said as I interrupted. "Solar! You are the best! You work your a- butt of just for me! And you are so so nice!" I said hugging him. "Oh um thanks.." he said hugging me back. " Do thank me! You should
Know this!" I said. "Um you should eat your pancakes before they get cold.." he said as I guickly got out of his arms.

Me (author): hii!!!! I'm very sad rn but I can a ton of motivation to make this because of you guys!!! Also I just wanted to point out Earth's acting in the new video when she was crying.. that was probably her best acting yet..! Also I almost cried watching that vid. On the other shows it was fine I guess. Moony was depressed, wait but also puppet had a kinda healthy reaction to solar being dead. If I was earth I would of reacted the same way! Anyways have a good day/night!!!

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