❤️✨!! the hangout part 1!!✨❤️

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Me (author): little note!! I just wanted to say that my idol Milkyrrr has her story if you wanna check it out! I definitely recommend it!!( Also it's solar x ruin)

Anyways I'm really enjoying this story sm! And I hope you guys like it so far!! Anyways enjoy the story! :333 <33

⚠️Warning: little angst!!⚠️
Solar's pov:
Me and Earth found a way to tell ruin how I felt about him. It was hard to think of that because you're trying to tell someone that you like them. And to me that's something that is hard because I didn't really show my emotions to moon in my old dimension... He was always just so furious at me because it was my fault that sun was slowly dying and that I couldn't help moon. I just felt worthless and powerless. Even though that trauma is in the past and I can forget it, I still have guilt in myself for not trying hard enough to help my dying friend... Well brother. I just didn't feel like I was enough to moon and now that's how I feel about everyone.. that I don't matter enough. I just hope that ruin likes me back and that I can put my trauma aside....

No one's pov:
Solar texted ruin that they could meet up at the fazcade. (and yes solar had ruin's phone number because moon).

Here are the text messages:

Hey ruin. I just wanted to say that I wanted to meet up by the fazcade for our hangout.

Oh hi solar! I just read your text and ya sure I don't mind! I also wanted to say that I'm so excited!! Anyways se ya dear solar!! :D

Ok then see ya!

(Ooohhhhh a time skip!!! :D )

Ruin's pov:
Solar said he wanted to meet me at the fazcade. I knew we were hanging out that day so I made sure that I would be the person to hang out with because I like hanging out with solar! Solar is probably the only person I really hang out with except that one time that stupid gater and that puppit thing interviewed me.. God I hated that experience.... Anyways!! I was so happy that he gets to hang out with me and that not just to ask me if I was bad or not! But I also haft to tell him how I feel about him and what happens in my stomach area of my body. It feels like it's going numb or have butterflies in my stomache and that I get overly jealous when solar hangs out with moon.I really dispise him a little.. he just tells me that he doesn't trust me and Im just supposed to go along with it?!.. Ya in his dreams!! all he gets is someone who is just tired of having the label of not trusted or bad guy... That's why I trust solar... He doesn't care! Like moon shouldn't care! I think he needs to be like him a little more.. anyways Ive been thinking to much about problematic moon for a day... Know I just need to get ready for our hangout.. I decide that I just wanted to were my normal outfit. Yes I can change clothes but I just prefer my normal whear. But now I need to find a way to tell solar that I like him! But how... I don't really know how to tell him.... I'll just wing it nothing can go wrong!!! :D

Solar's pov:
I wanted to get ruin something also. I remember when we were on that nice walk in the forest I couldn't help but see the pretty flowers. I quickly went out of the doors of the pizzaplex and ran to the forest that was close enough to the building. I looked for a perfect flower to get ruin.I saw pretty roses. I gently picked one up and wrapped my hands around the prickly stem of the flower. It's really pretty like ruin... I think he'll like this rose... I hope so... I returned to the building and got ready for that hangout. I decided to wear the shirt that earth got me for Christmas and just wear my normal pants. It was close to the time to meet up so I gathered my things and headed to the faz cade. When I got there I was a little early (maybe a little eager) so I patiently waited for solar. Then I saw ruin and I couldn't help but have big smile on my face

Ruin pov:
I saw it was almost time for me to go. So I picked up a note that I wrote for solar and gently put it in my pocket. I quickly went out to get to the faz cade in time. When I got to solar waiting for me pationtly I slowed down not trying to accidently fall on solar. "Hi!!" I said. "Hi ruin. I was waiting for you!" He said with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but blush a bit. Then when I got up to solar he said he had something for me... I wonder what it was when he pulled it from behind his back. It was a beautiful deep red rose.... It was a really thoughtful gift.. I hope he likes mine and feels the same. "Oh my..." I said dumbfounded. I just stared at solar with blush covering my face and making my face go hot. "O-h u-um-um thank you for the g-gift!!" I said obviously shuddering with a tomato face.

Solar's pov:
I gave the rose to ruin and he seemed to have been very pleased with it. And I was glad that he liked it. Then ruin quickly took something out of his pocket. It was a note. "U-m d-don't open it now! I wanted you to open it after our hangout." Ruin said. I gently put the letter in my pocket with care. "So I was wondering if you wanna play games first." Ruin nodded quickly and took my hand and pulled my in the faz cade.

Me (author): omg! hi y'all over 1000 again yippee!!!!! I hope y'all like this so far!!! :.) It takes me awhile because I'm on my phone!!! Anyways have a good day/night.

1065 words!!!

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