early wake up call

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Me (author): hiii!!! So I had a question on how you send fanart!

1) if you have a fan art book or have a art book in general on this app put it on there and tag me!!

2) ticktock.. you can like make a tik Tok and tag me with may_berryy on tik Tok.

Those are the only ways I know... So um ya! Do what you please and enjoy this chapter!

Solar's pov:
I heard very loud crying I slowly opened my eyes and saw ruin. Ruin was giving me puppy eyes to soothe them. I could never say no to those eyes. I slowly got up and went to the baby. I picked her up and rocked her slowly. It didn't work so she was probably hungry. I took her out of the room and walked to the kitchen. We have a special milk powder for her. So I made her milk and began to feed her. She was quiet of course because the bottle was in her mouth. I sat on the couch and fed her fully. I took the bottle out of her mouth and she began to cry again. She was driving me insane. "You're lucky you're cute..." I said to her, like she would even know what I was talking about. Shr was still crying but I thought if I put her in bed she would stop. I went to our room and placed star in the crib hoping that she would go to sleep. She didn't. She wailed and wept. I picked her up again and remembered ruin. I went to our bed and rubbed my hand on ruin's. He opened his eyes and saw me with the baby. "Can you please hold her..? I fed her and tried to soothe her but she still hasn't calmed down. I saw star try to grab at ruin. He faced up and took star. He rocked her and she finally calmed down. She then fell asleep in his arms. He slowly got out of bed and placed her in the crib and watched over her to see if she woke up. After a couple of minutes he went back to bed and fell asleep. I snuggled next to him and also fell asleep.

Me (author): hi guys it's short because I'm doing other stuff so anyways I hope you guys have splendid day/night!:)

solar x ruin!!Where stories live. Discover now