telling family..

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Me (author): I forgot about ruin and solar telling the family that they were pregnant again so um enjoy this! I promise that star's bday will be made TMR!!

Solar's pov:
I asked ruin if he wanted the family to know that he got pregnant again. He said yes because we know that earth will be overjoyed, lunar will also, sun would be happy any other way, and moon would be moon. So me and ruin headed to the daycare for a family meeting. We all gather in the small daycare place spit and everyone sat down.

"So umm uhh... How do we start this?!" I asked ruin.

"So umm.. uh... Solar- well i- umm" ruin studderd out.

"S-s-s-studder much?" Moon said.

"How about you shut the hell up?" I said

"Fair" moon said.

"Another child!" Ruin blurted out.

"Huh??" Lunar said.

"Ya what did you mean by that?" Sun asked.

"Ruin's pregnant?!" Earth said.

"Ummm.. ya?" Ruin said covering his face with his palms.

I went next to him.

"Omg! Omg! Omg! I'm so so so happy right now!!" Earth said.

As expected moon fainted... Sun smiled.. lunar was overjoyed, and earth was.. dancing around the room..

Turns out it wansnt bab after all.

Me (author): sorry it's short in hella tired.
Anyways I said this on my moon x eclipse story. I'm going to make a book that is moon x eclipse again but it's in Sam's. I know moon is aromantice but people ship it anyways and it's growing on me so um ya! See y'all next chapter and have a good day/night!!

solar x ruin!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz