Chapter 78 - Secret

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Due to the sudden assassination, the palace walls have been cleared, and there are still lanterns left in the attic that the female family members dropped in a hurry.

  Xuande Gate was in chaos, and the Forbidden Army was heavily guarded, but no one dared to stop Ning Yin.

  The night wind was cold, blowing down the stars in the sky.

  Ning Yin carried Yu Lingxi into Prince Jing's carriage, then opened his cloak and wrapped her in his arms, caressing her trembling shoulders.

  The guard didn't look sideways and asked for instructions: "Where do you want to go, Your Highness?"

  Ning Yin lowered his eyes and said warmly: "How about taking Suisui to watch the lanterns?"

  How could Yu Lingxi still have the time to watch the lanterns?

  She thought of the lively burning sky lantern in her previous life, and the desperate madness of Ning Yin's purple robe stained with blood, and there was a lump in her throat.

  "Call the imperial doctor to detoxify."

  Yu Lingxi tightly grasped Ning Yin's clothes and breathed lightly.

  Ning Yin laughed and held Yu Lingxi's hand: "I have tasted poison since I was a child, and my constitution is different from ordinary people. This dose cannot kill anyone."

  "Call the imperial doctor!"

  Yu Lingxi raised his eyes stubbornly and emphasized his tone.

  The guards outside the carriage heard the solemn shouts inside the carriage and shook their shoulders subconsciously.

  Ever since King Jing came to power, he has been very thoughtful and ruthless. How could anyone dare to order him in such a tone? This girl is too pampered.

  The guards were on tenterhooks, but Ning Yin smiled indulgently.

  He touched the bright flower on Yu Lingxi's forehead with his lips, and said casually: "Go back to the house and ask the medicine man to come over."

  On the palace wall, Cui An was stabbed with a knife by Yu Huanchen, and his hat was removed.

  Different from Han people, his slightly curly hair was spread down, adding a bit of sinisterness to his fair face.

  After all, Cui An was an eunuch. Without the Queen's command, his name was unjust, and his dozens of Yulin Guards were all disorganized, with only a few confidants still stubbornly resisting.

  Yu Huanchen pointed his sword at Cui An and said in a deep voice: "The seven tribes in Mobei have been destroyed long ago, why do you need to stir up trouble again?" "

  If you watch my father being executed with your own eyes, you will transform from the son of a general with a promising future. As a eunuch of the Wei people, would you also advise yourself like this?"

  The night was thick as ink, Cui An slowly straightened his messy hair, "General Yu made his name by killing my father and his tribe, and now his son, but came to ask me 'why bother'... What a noble sentiment."

  Yu Huanchen frowned: "My father was just ordered to march to the north. If you hadn't offered your beauty to poison the late emperor of our dynasty, how could you have caused the disaster of annihilation? ?"

  "Karma is retributive, so what's wrong with me avenging my tribe?"

  Cui An's face which had been smiling all year round finally showed a bit of resentment, "During the Northern Expedition last autumn, your Yu family should have died in Saibei. It's over."

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