Chapter 91-Trembling

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Yu Lingxi was awakened by the cold.

After entering the palace, she found that the young eunuch was leading the jade in the wrong direction, so she became suspicious and forced herself to calm down and said: "The prince told me that the jade pendant was left in the carriage. I will go get it."

She turned around, and before she took two steps, she heard that the jade pendant was left in the carriage. A strange fragrance came over.

The last scene that caught his eye was the dark and sullen face of the little eunuch.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a small private room with dim oil lamps on the walls. She was lying in the corner, leaning against a stone wall, and wisps of cool air leaked out from the cracks under the wall, chilling her bones.

Yu Lingxi's hands and feet were tied with thick ropes. She moved her body and struggled to push away the piles of straw and felt in the corner, revealing the square piles of straw and ice cubes inside.

If I guessed correctly, she was locked in an ice cellar.

Imperial City Ice Cellar.

Was it the eunuch and the round-faced palace maid who kidnapped her? Who are they?

Does Ning Yin know that there is a spy mixed in among the maids in Prince Jing's palace?

His thoughts were mixed, and while there was no one watching in the secret cellar, Yu Lingxi tilted her head, raised her bound hands, and touched the bun, only to touch the cold white jade threaded hairpin.
Because she entered the palace to keep vigil, she didn't bring any extra hairpins, and she didn't even have any sharp tools to cut the ropes.
While he was thinking, there was a dull chirping sound above his head.
Yu Lingxi was alert and hurriedly hid the jade hairpin in the corner among the ice cubes.
At the same time, the heavy green stone slab was moved away, cold light poured out, and a man wearing a cloak unable to see his face slowly stepped down the stone steps with the support of his chamberlain.
The man seemed to be a little weak, and he was thin and slender. If it wasn't for the occasional hoarse cough, Yu Lingxi would have thought the man covered with a cloak was a woman.

He stood in front of Yu Lingxi, with only a bit of his pointed jaw exposed under the shadow of his hood, and his fingers habitually picked at a piece of wood.
After a moment, a low, dull voice came: "What a helpless move, I have offended Princess Jing."
His voice was a little weak, and it was the voice of an adult, but he imitated the way a child spoke, and was precise.
"Who are you? What do you want to do?"
There was no such person in Yu Lingxi Ting's memory.
Hidden in the cloak, he whispered to the man: "Ning Yin covers the sky with one hand. It is not easy to invite him into the urn. Therefore, I can only come up with this trick and borrow a token from Princess Jing."
As he said that, the man caught a glimpse of Yu. Lingxi hid her jade hairpin on the ice, and the body of the hairpin was so frozen that a layer of frost formed on it, making the blush on her hair even more chilling.
Yu Lingxi's heart moved, and she pretended to be timid and said, "This hairpin was made for me by the prince himself. I wonder if it can be used to redeem my life?"
The man seemed to be considering the authenticity of her words.
The round-faced palace maid behind him cautiously moved forward and said something. The man then tilted his head slightly and signaled the chamberlain to pick up the hairpin.
"Take it to Ning Yin and tell him that the princess is in my hands."
He took out a piece of secret paper from his sleeve lowered his voice and ordered, "If you don't want a new marriage to turn into a new mourning, let him do as I say, alone. Come here."
The chamberlain went down to make arrangements, but the man did not leave.
He sat down behind the only desk in the cellar, took out a small file, and concentrated on carving the wood.
Sharp sawdust pricked his fingertips, and the flesh and blood on his fingertips were blurry, but he didn't even notice.

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