Chapter 92

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The world in the book is what Yu Ran once told Yin Yan, but at that time Yin Yan felt that there were some logical loopholes in some of Yu Ran's statements, but now through Song Yanchuan's description bit by bit, he finally understood Where is the point of violation?

Yu Ran is Yu Ran from the beginning to the end. He is not the one who came through halfway as he thought. Instead, it is the person who now occupies Song Yanchuan's body. It is he who has occupied Yu Ran's body for decades because of the so-called mission, and let him Live like a puppet.

According to Song Yanchuan, each book will form an independent world after being generated. If the characters in it deviate from the settings in the book, then the world will collapse, and Song Yanchuan is the defender who was sent to this kind of world. They Responsible for bringing the plot back to its original point and returning the world to normal.

Originally, he was still hiding his identity as Yu Ran, and he thought he would be able to successfully escape from this world soon. Who knew that just when Yin Yan died, which was almost the plot before the ending, an accident suddenly happened, and Yin Yan realized everything. The irrationality of the world, and as the final boss in the book, when he began to question the rationality of the world, the world suddenly began to collapse, and Song Yanchuan was also excluded from the world.

This is not Song Yanchuan's first mission. Although Yu Ran's character makes him look soft and weak, in fact he looks at people in this world with a condescending attitude. He feels that the people in this world are The people are all paper people, all NPCs, and he is the one who can control them. When he found out that he was actually killed by the NPC Yin Yan, what he was thinking in his heart was not that he had ruined Yu Ran's life. Yin Yan was killed again, and all he felt in his heart was resentment, resentment that the NPC Yin Yan dared to resist him and harm him.

So when he opened his eyes and saw that he was not dead, but had become Song Yanchuan, the biggest thought in his mind was to seek revenge on Yin Yan.

He has the advantage of knowing the plot, and this time he must kill Yin Yan before he awakens.

Although Song Yanchuan closed his eyes, the resentment on his face was clearly displayed when he said this, which made his entire face become ferocious.

The person who hypnotized Song Yanchuan felt that Song Yanchuan was mentally ill and could no longer distinguish between reality and imagination even when he was hypnotized. At the same time, he also doubted whether he knew some big secret. Therefore, While he was conscientiously performing his duty of talking, he kept carefully observing Yin Yan's face with his peripheral vision.

I'm just afraid that he might do something accidentally.

Although he had bought a few days, Song Yanchuan was still under the watch of the police after all. If something really happened, he was the one who could not escape his responsibilities as a doctor.

And if I really know some big secret...

The hypnotized doctor felt extremely uneasy inside.

However, among the people present, one was hypnotized and was still immersed in his own imagination, continuing to talk nonsense, while the other was expressionless, as if he had already expected what Song Yanchuan was going to say, so to him. He looked completely indifferent.

In fact, Yin Yan was not completely indifferent.

Yin Yan dreamed about the scene where he had been in a car accident more than once. Even after he and Yu Ran confessed to each other, Yu Ran also told him that he had also dreamed about this scene, and he even knew some of the details. Can tell.

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