Chapter 17

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There are various styles of clothes, casual and formal, occupying almost half of the wardrobe.

Compared with Yu Ran's previous pitiful clothes, this looks like Yu Ran is the owner of this room.

Yu Ran remembered that he didn't have these the night before he fell ill, so Yin Yan could only have bought them while he was asleep when he was ill yesterday.

Although it is very likely that Yin Yan did not choose these clothes himself, but based on his understanding of Yin Yan in the past few days, he should have put them in personally.

Yu Ran looked at the pile of clothes and couldn't tell what he felt.

He remembered again that Yin Yan left the master bedroom to him last night and slept in another room.

Is it because you are sick?

Yu Ran found that there are always some very contradictory things in Yin Yan. Sometimes it makes people feel scared, but sometimes it makes people think that he is not like that, and even gives rise to the idea that he is actually quite good.

Yu Ran felt that his idea was a bit dangerous.

He closed the closet door and did not continue to sort out the clothes inside. Instead, he sat on the ground nearby, lowering his head and wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, he turned on his phone and sent "Thank you" to the WeChat account without a profile picture.

The other party did not reply.

Yu Ran had expected that Yin Yan would not reply. After sending the message, he sat on the ground for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief and went downstairs to eat.

Unexpectedly, while he was having breakfast, his phone vibrated, and a "hmm" appeared in Yin Yan's blank avatar dialog box.

Yin Yan actually replied?

Yu Ran stared at the word for a long time before confirming that he had read it correctly.

After a while, he couldn't help but said again, "Don't I have to go to work today?"

After a while, there was another "Yes."

If it weren't for this time interval, Yu Ran would even suspect that this was an automatic reply.

For some reason, Yu Ran suddenly thought of Yin Yan frowning and looking at his phone impatiently in the office. Maybe he would smile inexplicably?

Yu Ran trembled and put away the phone, feeling that it was better not to bother Yin Yan.

The whole house was empty, and he couldn't see anyone except the bodyguard just now. After Yu Ran had eaten, he thought about it and decided to go for a walk around the area.

You still need to get familiar with where you live.

As soon as he went out, the bodyguard brother appeared behind him.

After Yu Ran glanced at him twice, he took the initiative and said, "Mr. Yin asked me to protect you."

protect yourself?

Why does Yin Yan feel like something is going to happen to him?

However, it is also possible that there are many dangers around Yin Yan, so it is natural for him to feel that he will be in danger if he lives with him.

Yu Ran didn't ask any more questions, feeling that it would be safer to have a bodyguard following him.

And this idea was quickly confirmed.

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