Chapter 36

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Yu Ran had never been in love before, nor had he liked anyone before. He didn't know what the so-called liking felt like.

After hanging up the phone, he thought about it, and finally opened the universal browser and searched for "What does it feel like to like someone?"

Before he finished typing, the browser automatically popped up a bunch of related searches, such as "Ten signs of liking a person." "Reactions of liking a person"...

Does this mean that a lot of people are searching for this question?

Yu Ran felt relieved and clicked on the first one directly.

Yu Ran looked carefully at the answers inside.

I can't help but look at him.

It is true that Yu Ran can't help but look at Yin Yan, but isn't that because he is worried that Yin Yan will suddenly cause trouble?

And I always look at my phone from time to time to read his messages.

Yu Ran, "..."

There seemed to be, but that was because as long as he sent a message to Yin Yan, Yin Yan would not reply immediately, so he could only glance at it from time to time to avoid missing the message.

Yu Ran backed out, feeling that this answer was not quite accurate, so he cut another answer.

If you like someone, your face will turn red and your heart will beat faster when you see him. You will be very happy every time you see him.



Yu Ran felt that he was not very happy, but he often had heart attacks...

Okay, I probably don't like him.

Yu Ran exited the browser, feeling convinced.

But this feeling began to collapse a little when Yin Yan entered his room very naturally at night.

It wasn't too early when Yin Yan came in, it was almost twelve o'clock.

When he came in and saw that Yu Ran was still asleep, he frowned and said, "Are you still up so late?"

His tone was natural, like a parent doing ward rounds at night.

Yu Ran subconsciously stuffed his phone under the pillow with a guilty conscience, "Go to sleep now, sleep now."

After saying that, he watched Yin Yan walk to the closet to get a change of clothes, and then he realized that Yin Yan was not here to check the ward, he was here to live together.

It seems... it seems... probably... Yin Yan expressed this intention in the morning?

It's not like the two of them have never slept in the same bed. On the first day they moved here, he slept in the same bed as Yin Yan. But at that time, he was still more worried and afraid. But after the squad leader's phone call, he felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of the two of them sleeping in the same bed.

He took advantage of the time when Yin Yan went to the bathroom to take a shower, and rolled himself up with the quilt, rolling it into a spring roll, and then slept on the edge of the bed.

Just looking at it, it doesn't appear to be obvious at all.

When Yin Yan came out of the shower and saw Yu Ran bundled up, she frowned.

Upon seeing this, Yu Ran immediately said, "It's safer this way to prevent accidental injuries."

When Yin Yan heard these words, he immediately thought of the smell of safflower oil all over his body when he took a shower just now. His face turned dark and he stared at Yu Ran's wrapped body for a long time and asked, "Are you going to do it tonight?" Sleep like this?"

The heartthrob was trickedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora