Chapter 91

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Given Song Yanchuan's current situation, Yin Yan didn't have the patience to play another game of guessing the authenticity of his words with him. Therefore, as Fang Jingyu had guessed, Yin Yan planned to directly find professionals in this field to hypnotize Song Yanchuan.

If Song Yanchuan was peacefully in prison, it would not be easy for Yin Yan to do anything for whatever reason. But now, it can only be regarded as that he has destroyed his greatest protection.

As long as the police are persuaded to take Song Yanchuan to the relevant mental hospital for mental evaluation as soon as possible, the rest will be easy for Yin Yan.

After all, a mental hospital is no better than a prison. Even if it is a hospital that cooperates with the police, it is not difficult for Yin Yan to perform hypnosis while Song Yanchuan is doing the evaluation.

It was not too difficult to persuade the police, because after Yin Yan woke up from the operation, he used all the power in his hands to investigate the car accident between him and Yu Ran almost like digging three feet deep. Read it again.

Compared with the police investigation, which requires a complete closed logical chain to lead to a conviction, Yin Yan does not need to be so perfect. His people only need to investigate the cause and effect of the matter clearly.

In this way, compared to the police who had to collect evidence and report layer by layer, Yin Yan's speed was naturally much faster. Almost within a day, the people on his side had the report in his hands.

The autopsy results from the police showed that the driver was driving under the influence of drugs, which means that the driver was probably unconsciously excited at the time, and the car accident was probably an accident.

This is a rational judgment made by the police based on an impartial and objective perspective. Others are still under further investigation.

However, Yin Yan, as the person involved, could feel that although the car seemed to be out of control, it was driving straight towards him. Yu Ran should have felt this at the time, so he could not even think about it. If not, push him away immediately.

When Yin Yan thought of this, he felt a surge of violence in his heart.

He didn't need the rationality of the police. All he needed was to understand the ins and outs of the car accident.

Yin Yan's intuition told him that this was not an accident, so when he asked people to investigate, he did not ask them to investigate in the direction of accidents, but directly asked them to investigate in the direction of hired murder or revenge.

Although the driver died on the spot, the fund transactions in his bank account, his relatives, and his recent abnormal and interpersonal interactions are all areas that can be investigated.

No matter what is done, it is impossible to leave no trace, especially when the people under Yin Yan are extremely careful.

The driver who caused the accident was an old drug addict. He had been in and out of drug rehabilitation centers many times. He had already lost all his family wealth because of his drug addiction. His wife had divorced him and moved away with their son. Now he can only rely on occasional drug addiction. He works odd jobs at construction sites to maintain his basic livelihood.

However, after hearing the news of his son's marriage, this person kept talking to others about buying a house for his son as a wedding room.

Of course, no one believed this. Everyone was laughing at his whimsical idea and told him to stop thinking about it as soon as possible. With him like this, it was not certain whether his son would allow him to attend the wedding.

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