Chapter 14

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Looking at Omega's silly look, Qin Yan felt that without him, this Omega would be chewed to the bone.

Qin Yan frowned: "You must remember what you have been taught."

Lin Ci understood that Qin Yan was referring to the fact that the things he packed yesterday were eaten by Li Shu.

He nodded and whispered, "I understand."

From now on, he will carry this bag on his back at all times and will never put it down.

Qin Yan: "Let's go, let's set off."

After Qin Yan finished speaking, he left.

Li Tao found the back door downstairs. Li Shu carried a big bag and brought all the edible things in the room, including the rice and flour left by the owner, vegetables, meat and chili sauce in the refrigerator, and salt from the kitchen. , and simple small pots, he brought everything he could, and didn't miss any of them.

Qin Yan walked very quickly, but Lin Ci didn't follow him. He saw no one as soon as he came out of the room.

So, he could only follow Li Shu, who was packed with bags, downstairs.

But halfway through, he suddenly returned to the kitchen and took a fruit knife as a self-defense weapon.

Whether it's to protect against zombies or humans, it doesn't matter.

Even if they die together, he cannot let others or zombies bully him.

When Li Shu saw Lin Ci coming over with a knife, he frowned and wanted to say something to Lin Ci, but he didn't have time now. He planned to get in the car later and whisper to Lin Ci to explain.

After going downstairs, Lin Ci subconsciously looked for Qin Yan's shadow, but Qin Yan didn't see it. Instead, he saw Li Tao driving the car.

Moreover, there are several zombies chasing behind the car!

Lin Ci's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he subconsciously stepped back, but Li Shu snatched the knife from his hand and threw it aside: "Don't take this kind of thing, it's easy to hurt yourself."

"But don't be afraid. Zombies are slower than cars. We have a certain amount of time. When he drives over, I'll stay in the trunk with my stuff. You get in the car immediately and ask Li Shu to drive. You have to move quickly!"

The fruit knife was thrown far away by Li Shu. Lin Ci had no time to pick it up. He could only nod: "Okay..."

But before he finished speaking, something suddenly occurred to him and he asked anxiously: "What about Qin Yan?"

Li Shu said angrily: "It's now like this, why do you still care what he is doing, and he is already sitting in the car, why do you still need to care about him!"

Lin Ci didn't say anything anymore, and he felt relieved when Qin Yan was also in the car.

He was very scared, his hands and feet were trembling, but he knew he couldn't be afraid now, he had to listen to Li Shu, otherwise he would die here.

He took a deep breath, the car got closer and closer, and soon stopped in front of him.

Li Shu immediately went to the back of the car carrying large and small bags.

Lin Ci opened the car door in a panic, but before he could lift his feet up, Qin Yan grabbed his clothes and pulled him up.

Before he could sit firmly, the car started to drive because the road was uneven and bumpy.

Lin Ci was held in Qin Yan's arms and never let go, and his scared face turned pale.

Fortunately, the car quickly got on the road and gradually became stable.

Lin Ci felt himself being pushed away from Qin Yan's arms by his shoulders, and he looked at Qin Yan curiously.

Qin Yan took two bottles of mineral water from the side, then hugged him and stuffed water into the bag behind his back.

After stuffing the water, Lin Ci was put back on his seat, and then he had a piece of bread and half a bottle of water in his hand.

Lin Ci glanced at Qin Yan gratefully and whispered, "Thank you."

Just as he finished speaking, Li Tao suddenly stopped the car.

Li Shu immediately got out of the trunk and got in the car from the side where Lin Ci got in.

Qin Yan saw it, frowned and held Lin Ci's waist, hugged him into his arms, then moved him to the middle, and then put Lin Ci on the side. He sat in the middle, separated from each other. Unruly Li Shu.

Lin Ci was holding the bread in his hand and had just taken a bite when his position was suddenly changed: "???"

Watching Qin Yan carry Lin Ci to Li Shu who was sitting next to him:? ? ?

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