Chapter 88

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Although Lin Ci felt uncomfortable, he was indeed awake.

The bottle of mineral water had no effect on him. His nasal cavity was still filled with the rotten smell. He was already trying desperately to hold back the feeling of vomiting, but he was still forced to open his eyes and look at that terrifying face.

His eyelashes trembled, but without opening his eyes, his hand secretly reached into the ko pocket of his pants, trying to touch the mini gun.

But he was caught before his hands even touched his pants.

He was so frightened that he opened his eyes in an instant, and met the zombie's shining gray eyes.

He thought he had been discovered with a gun, but unexpectedly, the zombie grabbed his hand and asked him to touch the zombie's arm.

While he was shocked, he was also disgusted by the soft and sticky feeling under his hands.

Zombie: "I know you can cure zombies, come on, help me cure them."

Its body was severely damaged and turned into a zombie. It also found out that there was a king among the zombies.

It tried its best to make the zombies surrender, and it also knew that there were rumors among the zombies that the queen could cure them.

Although the zombies were opposed to Qin Yan and did not want to submit to Qin Yan as the king, they were all interested in the queen's ability to cure zombies.

It's the same.

"Why do you know?"

Lin Ci held his breath and didn't understand why the zombie in front of him knew this. After all, no one around him would tell anyone about it.

Even Li Shu, who had a bad relationship with him, would not tell others about his ability to cure zombies. How did the zombie in front of him know?

Lin Ci thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that his deeds would spread because of the zombies.

Zombie: "Of course I will know if I want to know. Come on, stop talking nonsense and cure me."

Lin Ci didn't want to. He wanted to take his hand back, but was held down by the zombies.

He had no choice but to turn his head.

The zombie was unhappy: "What do you mean, other zombies can be cured, why don't you treat me?"

Lin Ci did not speak. He instantly thought of Xiao Duan and Xiao Chen. They were so innocent and cute, and the zombie in front of him was completely incomparable to them.

What's more, why would he treat a zombie that would threaten his life?

But the next second, the zombie's other hand was like a claw and pressed on his stomach. He said with a smile: "It's okay not to treat him. I won't kill you. I will cut open your stomach and take away the bastard inside with my own hands." What do you think about Qin Yan?"

Lin Ci stiffened and turned his head slowly, his eyes full of anger and disbelief. He gritted his teeth and endured the fear and said: "Why are you doing this? Isn't Qin Yan your king? Why would you... "

"He is the king, but I don't have to surrender."

The zombie pressed lightly on his stomach, and a sense of oppression immediately invaded Lin Ci's brain.

He didn't dare to argue with the zombie anymore, and subconsciously wanted to agree, but the zombie continued: "Treat me. If you give me treatment, I won't hurt you. I can also give you a bath and clean clothes. Take a look. Your belly still has my fingerprints on it, don't you feel disgusted?"

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