Chapter 59

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It was the voice of the alpha who scooped the pickles for him!

Why is he here?

Lin Ci didn't dare to say anything and stood there without moving. However, Xu Yuan on the sofa was so frightened that he sat up instantly and looked at Lin Ci in horror.

Lin Ci quickly made a silent gesture towards him and said silently: Hush!

Xu Yuan was frightened. He wanted to ask what to do. He wanted to find a place to hide, but when he saw Lin Ci who was as scared as him, he endured his fear and said to him silently: Don't be afraid, don't go out. Voice.

Xu Yuan was stunned.

He stared at the Omega blankly, and for a moment, he forgot to be afraid.

Lin Ci wanted to call Qin Yan, but people from the government had already come to the door. He was afraid that Qin Yan would get into trouble outside, so he did not dare to call and distract Qin Yan.

He carefully walked to the door while holding his breath and listened to the sounds outside.

Seeing that no one came to open the door for so long, Alpha seemed a little impatient and raised his voice: "Hello, government inspection, please open the door!"

Lin Ci didn't dare to speak. If he didn't speak, he just wanted to pretend that there was no one in the room.

But this cannot be hidden from the alphas outside.

But Lin Ci never opened the door, and the alpha no longer spoke in a strong tone, but softened his voice and said: "Lin Ci, right? I know you are inside. I'm sorry to bother you at this time, but I don't mean any harm. Last night, an Omega stabbed a government officer and then escaped. I was just conducting a routine search. Please cooperate."

Lin Ci still didn't move.

He felt the alpha was lying.

Because at the beginning, Alpha didn't mention this matter at all, but talked about the government investigation.

The alpha changed his tune because he didn't open the door.

Moreover, the Omega who escaped last night is now in his room. No matter whether Xu Yuan stabbed the officer or not, he cannot open the door.

alpha: "Why aren't you opening the door yet? Do you want to go against the government?"

Alpha gradually became irritable: "Open the door!"

Xu Yuan hid behind the sofa in fear.

Lin Ci stood by the door, his heart beating fast. Although he knew it was futile, he still wanted to go to the kitchen and get a knife.

At this moment, the door was suddenly kicked.


The door was not very strong and made a loud noise. Lin Ci was startled and his face turned horribly white.

alpha: "I'll give you three seconds to open the door. If you don't open the door, I'll kick you open and I'll arrest you for refusing to cooperate with the search!"

The door was very fragile and could not withstand Alpha's violent destruction. As soon as he stepped down, he felt that the door was shaky.

So, after hearing this, Lin Ci finally couldn't hold on any longer, and tremblingly held up his cell phone to call Qin Yan.

At this time, alpha's countdown sounded outside the door.



The heartthrob Omega struggles to survive in the apocalypseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin