Chapter 7

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Lin Ci didn't answer.

But Li Shu didn't force him, because Li Shu knew how to capture the little bamboo horse's heart.

What's more, Lin Ci had no reason not to trust him but to trust a stranger.

When he went back, Lin Ci kept thinking about Li Shu's words.

Qin Yan is not a good person.

It really doesn't look like a good person, asking him to follow him as soon as he opens his mouth, and even bites his glands.

But what should he do now?

Do you believe Li Shu or Qin Yan?

One is the person he grew up with, and the other is the person who makes him recognize the reality and says he will protect him.

But Fa Xiao violently and insulted him, and the person who said he was protecting him personally pushed him to Li Shu's side.

None of them were good people, so Lin Ci was very confused.

When they got to the car, Qin Yan hadn't gotten in yet and seemed to be waiting for them.

Li Shu opened the door of the back seat, pushed Lin Ci up, and got in the car from the other side.

After getting in the car, he saw that Qin Yan hadn't moved yet, so he patiently shouted: "Qin Yan, let's go."

Qin Yan nodded but said nothing.

Lin Ci turned to look back and met Qin Yan's teasing gaze through the car glass. He subconsciously turned around and sat down.

Li Shu, who was beside him, hugged him and whispered: "Don't worry, Xiaoci, I won't run away from you anymore. I will be your alpha. When we find a base, we will get married. Don't reject me, okay?" "

Lin Ci hesitated for a moment, then said, "No, no need."

Li Shu cares so much about him being marked by others, so he will definitely torture him later.

Need not?

Li Shu smiled, who should he use instead of him?

Could it be Qin Yan?

Li Shu mocked in his heart. At this moment, Lin Ci's car door was suddenly opened. Qin Yan stepped up with his bag on his back: "Move inside."

Lin Ci subconsciously squeezed Li Shu to make way for Qin Yan.

Qin Yan sat down and closed the car door: "Let's go."

Suddenly there was another person in the small space with Lin Ci. Li Shu gritted his teeth and cursed Qin Yan in his heart for being ignorant, but because of his concerns, he was so angry that he didn't say another word.

The car started, and Lin Ci was squeezed between the two alphas. He froze and couldn't sit still, not knowing what to do.

Two hours later.

Li Tao looked at the map and said, "Brother, there is a service station ahead. Do you want to go?"

Li Shu thought for a while. Although he was unhappy, he turned around and asked, "Qin Yan, there may be supplies at the service station. Do you want to go?"

Qin Yan didn't hesitate at all: "I won't go."

There are staff at the service station, and it is also a place where people passing by will definitely come. Not to mention that the food inside has been taken out long ago, and there will be zombies.

They are just ordinary people. They don't have guns, and sticks can't kill zombies. The sharpest weapon they can use is a knife.

But you can only fight zombies in close combat with a knife, and you can easily get infected.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, you must not face zombies head-on easily.

Li Shu was not a fool. He could think of everything Qin Yan could think of, so he nodded: "I'll listen to you."

After speaking, he took Lin Ci's hand and asked diligently: "Xiao Ci, are you hungry? I have food and water in my bag. If you are hungry, just tell me and I will get it for you."

Lin Ci subconsciously withdrew his hand, glanced at Qin Yan secretly, and then shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

He had eaten something. Qin Yan gave it to him.

Otherwise, by the time Li Shu remembered to give him something to eat, he might have fainted from hunger.

After being rejected, Li Shu looked a little ugly. Just as he was about to say something more, Li Tao said again: "Brother, there are two houses on the road ahead. Do you want to go and have a look? It's almost dark. Let's rest for the night before leaving. "

The heartthrob Omega struggles to survive in the apocalypseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ