29. Lea's Relationship

Start from the beginning

As Arjun and I stepped into the escape room venue, the operator greeted us with a friendly smile. However, the news he delivered caught us off guard.

"Hello, welcome! Just a small change in plans," he began, glancing at the reservation details. "We have another couple joining you for this session. It's a four-person activity."

Arjun and I exchanged surprised glances, not expecting to share our escape room adventure with another pair. Nevertheless, we nodded in agreement, eager to embrace the unexpected twist in our plans.

The operator led us to a waiting area, where we anticipated meeting the mystery duo who would be our companions in this challenging quest.

As Arjun and I entered the escape room, our eyes widened with surprise at the sight before us. There, standing with a guy, was Lea. It took a moment for it to register in my mind, and then the realization hit me like a sudden jolt. It was her boyfriend, the guy she had told me about a couple months ago.

The initial shock in the room was palpable, and for a moment, Lea seemed frozen, caught in the act of hiding her relationship. Her eyes widened, and the color drained from her face as she processed the unexpected encounter.

The guy beside her looked equally surprised, glancing between us and Lea, perhaps realizing the secret was no longer safe.

Arjun and I exchanged a quick, silent communication, both trying to gauge Lea's reaction. Before we could say anything, Lea collected herself, her expression shifting from surprise to a mix of embarrassment and defiance.

"Surprise?" she tried to muster a smile, though it wavered. "I didn't plan for you to find out like this, but hey, meet Vasanth." She gestured to the guy beside her, who gave an awkward half-smile.

There was a moment of awkward silence, as if the puzzle in the escape room had shifted to an interpersonal one. Arjun broke the silence, "Lea, you could have told us about Vasanth. We're family, after all."

Lea's eyes darted between us, perhaps weighing her options. "I know, but it's complicated. I didn't want everyone to make a big deal out of it."

Arjun crossed his arms, "Lea, keeping secrets in the family isn't the solution. We're here for you. Just be honest with us."

Vasanth, standing quietly through this exchange, looked somewhat uncomfortable. The escape room, originally intended as a fun activity, now became an unexpected stage for family revelations.

Vasanth's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, "Lea, you mentioned that your sister-in-law knows about us. How did she find out?"

Lea shifted uncomfortably, exchanging a hesitant glance with me. I could feel Arjun's grip on my hand tightening, a silent demand for an explanation.

"Anni... Anni knew only because I told her," Lea stammered, avoiding direct eye contact.

Arjun's anger flared at the revelation. The betrayal, not just from Lea but also from me, etched a deep frown on his face. "You knew about this?" he asked, turning his gaze towards me.

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of guilt settling in. "Arjun, I... I didn't mean to keep it from you. I just thought..."

His anger intensified, "You thought what? That it was better to hide the truth from me?"

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I tried to explain, "Arjun, I didn't want to hurt you. I thought I could talk to Lea first and figure out the best way to tell you."

Arjun's frustration was palpable, and the room seemed to constrict with the tension. The revelation had opened a rift of mistrust, and I could only hope that honesty could mend what deceit had torn apart.

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