"Anika." He shot up from his seat and hovered over me.

I looked at him and he was looking down at me with awe and worry. "You woke up." I tried to nod but it was impossible without feeling the pain. I winced, lifting my hand to my head.

"K-Kartavya" I croaked. He looked at my face, taking in all of me as if he couldn't believe I was awake. When I tried to move again, he stopped me.

"Stop, baby, don't move, let me call the doctor." He pressed the buzzer on the table.

God why do I ache everywhere. I felt so weak.

"You are finally awake. I was going insane without you." He looked like a mess. There were dark circles under his eyes. His shirt was wrinkled and his hair was messy as if he was running his hand through his hair and he looked exhausted. But there was relief, joy and anguish, all these emotions in his eyes.

I tried to speak but my throat was sore and dry and an unintelligent noise escaped my lips. I gulped licking my tried to speak again. "W-water." I mumbled. He nodded.

"Let me go get some for you." As he was about to go a nurse rushed in..

"Ah Mrs.Raichand it's good to see you are awake, How are you feeling? I'm Nurse Rachel." A middle aged woman greeted me with a smile.

I gulped, licked my lips before speaking. "I feel like someone is hitting my head with a hammer and my stomach hurts." My voice cracked as I spoke. Avy was looking at me with concern and he clasped my tightly in his hand. She nodded looking at me with sympathy.

"I'll let Dr. Chopra know." She walked away and walked back in with a man probably in his fifties.

"Mrs. Raichand, finally you decided to wake up." He smiled politely at me.

"Doc, her head and stomach are hurting." Avy told him in panic.

"It is normal, since she has a hairline fracture to her skull, and she has stitches in her stomach." I released a breath and looked at Avy. "But don't worry, you will heal if you take good care and rest properly." He said to me I gave a short nod. "Now let's check your vitals and blood pressure." Soon the doctor completed his check. "Your blood pressure is normal Mrs. Raichand. You are lucky nothing serios happened to you Mrs. Raichand."

Lucky! Did he just say lucky?

Avy and I looked at each other with displeasure on our faces then he turned and glared at the doctor. The doctor at least have the nerve to embarrassed.

"Everything is good and you are doing well. But we will keep you here for the next two days and then if you don't feel much pain then you can go home." I nodded. "The nurse will come and change the dressing of your stitches on your stomach in an hour and give you something for the pain. Rest up until then Mrs. Raichand." He passed me a smile and nodded at Avy.

"Thank you doctor. Uh nurse Rachel can you please get us some water." Avy spoke before she could walk out. Nurse Rachel nodded and the doctor walked out. As soon as the doctor and the nurse walked out Avy came and sat on the set beside. He held my hand carefully because it had an IV drip attached to it.

"I'm so glad you are okay. I have been going crazy for the past three days." He whispered as he kissed my forehead. "I don't think I can survive if something happens to you Anika." His voice cracked as tears spilled from his eyes. He was crying.

"Avy." I mumbled as I cupped his face. "You are crying." He smiled through tears and kissed my palm and shook his head. "It's okay. I'm fine now."

"Don't say that, do you know how scared I was, how scared everyone was. I felt like I was in perpetual hell since you had gone missing." His voice cracked as he spoke. I wiped his tears as my own eyes pooled up. But still his tears continued flowing as a sob escaped his lips.

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