Finster Pickles Pt 5

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Hello hello again everyone! Come in with not one but two more chapters for this evening before the weekend ends! Of course it'll be a few minutes before the next chapter follows this one but either way I hope you all enjoy!

Soon Tommy, Dil, Phil, and Lil were dropped off at the Finster household as they were all out in the backyard playing together in Chuckie and Kimi's treehouse. At the same time, Chas was sitting inside at the kitchen table, wanting to stay in the viewing range of the kids. Especially seeing as Kira was off in the other room to fold up the freshly done laundry. Chas was currently flipping through the pages of his stamp collection book looking over the few various stamps he had already collected recently as he grinned proudly knowing he was getting closer to completing the entire collection.

"What's that book your daddy is looking at, Chuckie?" Tommy decided to ask

"Oh that, that's my daddy's book where he has almost all the special stamps in the whole wide world. It's really special toos, he doesn't let me or Kimi or even our mommy touches it." Chuckie replied

Chuckie would quickly regret speaking up about the stamp book as the look of having an idea crossed Tommy's face.

"Hey, that means maybe, if we have Dil messes up your daddy's book he won't wants Dil to lives here just like we did with Kimi." Tommy commented

"But Tommy, if we already mades sure that your daddy wouldn't wants Kimi or our mommy living with yous, I'm sure we don't-" Chuckie replied, quickly trying to shoot down the idea

"We haves to be sures, Chuckie. You know how the grown ups are they changes the way they do things all the times. Member back when you were moving to the big potty and suddenly it wasn't okay to go potty on the tree just for my mommy and daddy to changes the rules laterer?" Tommy reminded his friend, recalling back to what felt like ages ago to them.

"Um, I rather not thinks about that..." Chuckie shook his head, trying to forget any memory of what was, in his opinion, just as horrible as the day his dad first tried potty training him

"Come on, Dil, we're going to gets that book." Tommy said, gesturing for his brother to follow as he slid down the slide attached to the treehouse

Heistating for a moment, Dil slowly walked over to the slide before plopping down onto his bottom to slide down and follow his brother. Meanwhile, Chuckie could only let out a whine, murmuring to himself about him and his big mouth.

"Don't blame yourself, Chuckie." Lil said

"Yeah, you know how Tommy gets sometimes." Phil added in

Chuckie, Kimi, Phil, and Lil all watched from the treehouse as Tommy and Dil waited near the back patio door for their open opportunity. That opportunity came when the phone rang, alerting Chas to get up from the table to go over and answer it. Knowing they wouldn't have much time, Tommy pushed open the back door just enough for him and Dil to fit through as he creeped his way over to the chair that Chas was previously occupying. Climbing up onto the chair, Tommy reached and grabbed one end of the book, dragging it closer to himself, as he then closed it and picked it up. Luckily, with it only being a book filled with stamps, it wasn't super heavy at all. Having the book in hand, Tommy quickly climbed down as he gestured to Dil to quickly come inside as they made their way into the living room behind the couch where they were still out of Kira's sight.

Placing the book onto the ground, Tommy then opened it to reveal the several stamps inside. Of course, being babies and not knowing any of the appeal to collecting said stamps, both brothers just looked at each other with a shrug before Tommy went on to explain to DIl what he had to do now.

"Okay Dil, just peels all the stamps out of Chuckie's daddy's book and hides them all over the house. I'll keeps watch and makes sure that Chuckie's mommy and daddy don't sees you." Tommy explained

"Okay!" Dil exclaimed, quickly getting to work

The orange haired toddler then began peeling out several of the stamps at a time as he began hiding them in random places throughout the Finster home, whether it be sticking them to random places on the walls, under the couch, even on Fifi and Pepper's water bowls! Soon the stamp book was finally empty as Dil dropped the now empty book back on the floor as the book landed near the diaper bag that Didi had left for him, with his Goober plushie that he had brought along for nap time peeking out of the unzipped portion of the bag.

"That should dos it Tommy." Dil said, turning to his brother

"Okay, now lets go and waits until Chuckie's daddy sees his book is gone." Tommy instructed

Following his brother, Dil made his way back outside with Tommy. By the time the two were back at the treehouse, a familiar blood curdling scream could be heard coming from inside the house. Chas had finished his phone call moments before and returned to the table only to find his collection missing. However, he was in for a real surprise when not only he found the book suddenly in the living room, but empty!

"What happened?" Kira asked, wondering why Chas suddenly was upset

"My stamp collection! It's all gone! Every last one of them." Chas cried out, pointing at the empty book on the floor

"Oh my, that's awful. You think maybe one of the children got your book?" Kira asked

"I mean, considering what unfortunate stunt Kimi pulled yesterday with Stu's invention, maybe we should check with her first." Chas replied

Making their way to the backyard, Chas and Kira went out to the treehouse to question their daughter about the stamps. However, before either of them could say anything, Kira noticed something stuck on the back of Dil's hair, something that looked very familiar to her as she walked over to the toddler in question.

What did Kira find in Dil's hair? Find out next time!

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