Flu Season Pt 4

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Hello hello everyone! Back again with the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy.

(Dil's POV)

Later when my mommy putted me to bed to go night night I tried to stays up and watch the alieum just in case he tried to kidlap me and replace me with an alieum toos. Of course that's when I herded it, weird alieum noises coming from Tommy's bed, I think the alieum was trying to communicate with the other alieums so they could kidlap more babies. I gotted out of my crib to gets my bucket and shovel again as I sneaked over to the alieum to listen to the weird noises coming from underneath the blankies.

(Normal POV)

Dil had made his way over to Tommy's bed navigating through their dark shared room as he made it to the foot of the bed. The weird noises Dil was hearing was in actuality Tommy snoring and nose whistling slightly from his nose starting to get stuffy as a side effect. Creeping his way over to the side of the bed, Dil tried to get closer to examine the lump under the covers that was Tommy. However, unknowingly to Dil, there was one of Tommy's Reptar toy's on the floor as he accidentally stepped on it causing it to start the roaring sound effect loudly. Gasping, Dil quickly retreated back to his crib, throwing the bucket and shovel down on the way, as Tommy quickly stirred. Removing the blanket from his head, Tommy groggily whined as he covered his ears. The toy's roars were booming in his head and boy did it hurt! Too achy and groggy to get up and locate the toy, Tommy did the next best thing: crying.

Didi quickly arrived in the room to attend to Tommy's cries as she turned on the light. Moving over to Tommy's bed, Didi shut off the toy and placed it in the toy box nearby before going back to comfort Tommy.

"Oh sweetie, was that toy making your head hurt?" Didi asked in a whisper, taking Tommy into her arms as she gently rocked him to sooth him a bit

"Uh huh." Tommy whispered in response

"Mommy will make it all better, lets get you some medicine to make it all go away." Didi said, laying Tommy back down in bed as she quickly went to grab some child's tylenol for Tommy to sip down.

Wanting the headache to go away, Tommy didn't hesitate when his mom offered the cup of liquid medicine quickly drinking the contents of the cup.

"There we go, that should help. Rest well sweetie, mommy loves you." Didi cooed, giving Tommy a kiss on the forehead. Turning to leave the room she noticed Dil's crib as she moved over to check on him.

Upon his mom entering the room Dil had started pretending to be asleep so he wouldn't get in trouble. However, at some point he actually got sleepy and ended up falling asleep. Smiling, Didi kissed his forehead before walking to the doorway and switching off the light as she shut the door, leaving just enough of a crack so Tommy could get up to go potty if needed.

(Dil's POV)

Afore I knew it, it was the nextest day and my mommy wouldn't lets me go see the aliuem again after I wakeded up and had beakfast. My mommy then broughted me heres instead! I think the alieum tookded over my brain to makes me go night night and then my mommy's brain to keep us from finding out his alieum secrets. So you has to helps me Savannah or else I might not ever gets my brother back.

(Normal POV)

As Dil finished telling what had happened the past few days, Savannah got up from her spot on the floor as she walked over to place a hand on Dil's shoulder.

"Okay Dil, I'll helps you gets the alieum to give your brother back. You can counts on me!" Savannah assured her friend, "Especially acause I wanted to ask him some stuffs about being a big sister."

"Thanks Savannah you're the bestest." Dil grinned

"So uh how are we gonna gets the alieum to confress?" Savannah asked

"Hmm good point, uhhh.." Dil replied as he hummed in thought, "I know! If the alieum is really an alieum and not Tommy then it won't be able helps you with being a big sister acause baby alieums are way different than us hooman bean babies!" Dil exclaimed

"Hmm that might works. Oh we could also ask the alieum things only Tommy would knows and if he gets them wrong then he has to be an alieum." Savannah suggested

"Great idea!" Dil giggled

In agreement with their plan, now all they had to do was wait for their opportunity. Fortunately for the one-year olds their opportunity came the very next day as Savannah was brought over that next mid-morning.

"Alright Savannah, you play here with Dil while his mommy and I talk in the kitchen." Ebony said, placing Savannah in the playpen with Dil as Savannah happily babbled. "As for you Mayah, you're coming with me." Ebony chuckled carrying Samayah with her to the kitchen

"Savannah you're here! Now we can makes the alieum confress. And we better hurry he was making those funny noises again last night night. I think he was trying to tell the mommy ship to takes over more people's brains so they could kidlap more babies." Dil explained the situation

"Oh, then we better hurry afore he and his alieum fiends can take over the entire planet." Savannah replied

Nodding, Dil located one of Tommy's extra screwdrivers inside the playpen toy box as he grabbed it from beneath the pile of toys. Dil then toddled his way over to the playpen latch as he unlocked it, allowing him and Savannah to open the pen. Getting down to crawl, Dil and Savannah quietly crawled as they made their way over to the stairs. Climbing up the stairs to the top hall, Dil made a shush motion with his finger as they made their way over to Dil and Tommy's room. Slightly pushing the door open, both babies peered inside at the sleeping lump on Tommy's bed. Looking at each other, Dil and Savannah gave an agreement nod as they crawled into the room.

Will Dil and Savannah be able to expose the alien? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now