Changes Pt 2

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Hey everyone! Back with the next chapter, hope you all enjoy!

Dil just stared at the bottle in his hands, the present frown still very obvious on his face. Savannah noticed the upset look on Dil's face as she decided to speak up.

"What's wrong Dil?" Savannah asked

"I don't knows. I think my milk tastes funny. Does your guyses tastes any different than normen?" Dil looked to his friend and brother hoping he wasn't the only one experiencing this problem

"No mine tastes like normen like it always does." Savannah shook her head in reply

"Mine too, maybe it's your bottle." Tommy commented

As Dil listened to Tommy's comment he then held out the bottle in Tommy and Savannah's direction.

"Here you guys tastes it and see if it tastes weird for you guys too." Dil offered before eyeing Tommy's sippy cup and remembering how his brother hasn't really been drinking from bottles anymore. Even recalling how he and Savannah struggled to give him milk when he was sick the other day because it was in the bottle. "Oh yeah, uh, I kinda forgotted you don't use bottles no more Tommy."

"Huh..Oh yeah I guess it's been a long time since I had stuffs to drink in a bottle." Tommy replied, looking down at his sippy cup, while Savannah took the bottle from Dil's hand to taste for herself, getting lost in his thoughts for a moment.

He couldn't remember the last time he drank from a bottle, for all Tommy could remember there was just one day he started drinking from his sippy cup and never went back. Frowning, Tommy recalled the time his mom took him to the weird guy that looked at his tooth and convinced his mommy to try and take away his bottles forever and he did everything he could to have a drink from a bottle. Luckily they never went back there and went to someone much nicer when Dil started having his first tooth come in along with Tommy himself growing in more teeth as the time passed. Tommy snapped out of his thoughts when Savannah spoke up about the bottle's contents.

"Yeah it doesn't tastes like the milk in my bottle. Maybe you can get your mommy to gets you a new bottle of milk." Savannah suggested

"Good idea," Dil nodded as he began to fuss to get his mother's attention

Overhearing the fussiness coming from the table, Didi quickly moved from the stove to the table to find out what was happening. Dil then held out his bottle hoping his mommy would get him another bottle with some new milk that didn't taste weird.

"Oh do you not like the milk sweetie? That's okay, there's more in the fridge." Didi said, taking the bottle from Dil's hand before walking over to the sink to empty and clean the bottle before grabbing a new one and heading to the fridge.

Dil grinned in triumph, happy to know he was going to get a different bottle. However, he didn't know that Didi was just grabbing another milk alternative for him. She figured he wasn't liking the almond milk as she grabbed the cartoon of oat milk. Filling the bottle up, Didi then took the bottle back to Dil. Cooing happily, Dil took the bottle and began drinking from it once again. Dil however frowned, removing the bottle from his mouth again as he stared at it. This one tasted better to him in his opinion but it definitely wasn't his normal milk. He looked at Savannah happily drinking from her bottle before he then looked up to Didi, clearly upset.

"I know it's not your normal milk sweetie but you'll have to get used to having different milk and no ice cream for a little while. This might help keep your tummy from hurting if you're actually lactose intolerant like Dr. Schachter believes. Now you enjoy your lunch." Didi comforted Dil as she persuaded him to continue drinking the milk regardless.

Dil ended up slumping his shoulders in defeat as he looked over to his friend happily enjoying her lunch before continuing nibbling at his own. Soon after finishing their lunch, the trio was let out into the backyard to play a little before their nap time as they all rolled around Tommy's ball in the grass.

"Hey Tommy, do you know what lactoes intallants is?" Dil asked his brother as he rolled the ball in his direction

"Hmm, I don't think sos, maybe it's when really tall ants don't have no toes." Tommy answered as he then passed the ball to Savannah

"Maybe it's when a bunch of ants gets lots of toes." Savannah giggled before passing the ball back to Dil

"Well whatever it is, mommy said that the doctor thinks I might has it and that's why my milk in my bottle tasted funny." Dil continued as he passed the ball along again

"Maybe it's something that makes you sick like a tummy buggy." Savannah responded

"I don't feels sick like I has a tummy buggy...well at least not like how I feel when I really has to go poopy." Dil muttered, "But if it's supposed to be a tummy buggy then why did mommy makes me drinks a different kind of milk?"

"I dunno, kind sounds like when that weird dentrist man tolded mommy that I had to stop drinking from bottles acause of my tooth so she just changed my bottles all to sippy cups like Chuckie's." Tommy explained

"You think maybe the doctor is trying to stops you from having milk by having your mommy changes it?" Savannah asked

"I don't know, but whatever they dos I'm never gonna stop having milk or whatever they say I cant haves!" Dil said, standing up in protest.

"Yeah!" Savannah cheered on her friend

Tommy let out a sigh knowing this likely wasn't going to end up like Dil wanted it to go in the end. However, he decided not to interfere for now as he had other thoughts in mind after bringing up the bottle incident once again. Remembering how much he had to fight, he had now decided he wanted his bottles back and he himself wasn't going to let the fact that he had a couple teeth stop him from enjoying what was once one of his most favoritest things in the world!

Will Dil be able to drink normal milk again? Will Tommy be able to use his bottles again? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now