More Hand-Me-Downs Pt 1

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Another post on a Thursday?! That's right! It is. This time I come with a special occassion. On this day, 10 years ago, I posted the very first chapter of this story series on Fanfiction dot net! I want to thank everyone who has read this fic over these past 10 years whether you're a new or old reader and I especially want to thank Celrock for helping me with ideas for a majority of Terrible Twos lifespan including some parts of this upcoming chapter! Anyway hope you all enjoy and again thank you all for reading!

The Rugrats were all still finishing up their lunch when they all heard the doorbell ring from the kitchen. Didi, who was once again cleaning dishes and utensils leftover to make the kids' lunch, stopped and wiped off her hands as she made her way to the front foyer to answer the door.

"Now I wonder who that could be." Didi ponderer as she answered the door

Answering the door, Didi was greeted by Drew who was carrying a box in hand.

"Hey Deed, sorry to drop by on such short notice I'm on my lunch break." Drew explained

"Oh it's not a problem, what brings you over?" Didi asked

"Ah I just have a bunch more of Angelica's old toys that she doesn't really play with. I thought I'd bring them by for Tommy to play with, trust me he'll probably get more play time out of them than having them collect dust in the pile of toys Angelica already has. I also have her old tricycle and big wheel car but I'll bring those some other time, not like it's the right weather for those right now anyway." Drew answered, lifting the lid of the box to reveal a bunch of toys inside

"Oh how thoughtful, I'm sure Tommy will love them just as much as Angelica did. Plus, it'll give more variety in play with all the kids when they're over to play." Didi said with a grin, taking the box from Drew

"Glad to hear it!" Drew replied as his watch began beeping. "Oop and that's my lunch ending, gotta run. Tell Stu I said hi." Drew called out as he rushed back to his car

"Will do!" Didi called back as Drew sped off

Walking back in, Didi closed the door behind her as she took the box over to the playpen and sat it down. At the same time, the babies all had finished eating as they made their way into the living room just as Didi sat down the box.

"Isn't it nice that your Uncle Drew brought some of Angelica's old toys for you and friends to play with? Now, you kids play nicely while I finish cleaning up." Didi said, making her way back to the kitchen

Once Didi was out of the room, the group surrounded the box as Tommy proceeded to open the box. Of course as expected the inside was filled with various toys such as an old doctors kit, a dollhouse with a little family and furniture inside, some dummi bear plushies, a pink and purple ball, another dolly in a stroller, and even a small kitchen set with its own set of food items.

"Ooh there's lots of neat stuffs in here!" Savannah exclaimed, digging out one of the Dummi Bear plushies that was purple

"Yeah lookit, there's a dolly house." Kimi said, tipping the box over so she could pull out the doll house

"And there's a doctor's kit too!" Tommy giggled, opening the box to grab the stethoscope from it

"There's a ball too." Dil said, picking up the pink and purple ball

Chuckie of course could only look at the toys worriedly, they were Angelica's old toys after all.

"Hey guys, are you sure we should be playing with that stuffs?" Chuckie asked

"Aww Chuckie, come on." Lil said dismissively as she put one of the toy pots from the kitchen set on her head.

"Yeah, don't be a baby!" Phil chimed in

"Ooh I don't know, Tommy's mommy did say these were Angelica's toys..." Chuckie murmured

"It should be okay, Chuckie. It's justs some of Angelica's hammy downs, she probably doesn't even member having this stuffs." Tommy said, patting Chuckie on the shoulder

"Well...if you says so." Chuckie sighed, he wasn't so sure about the idea of playing with Angelica's toys still

"Come her Miss Dolly, you're gonna bes the firstest patient in my hopsicle." Tommy said, rolling the doll in a stroller over to where the doctor set was

Meanwhile, Stu emerged from the basement, wiping his hands off with a rag as he entered the kitchen.

"Hey Deed, did I hear my brother not too long ago?" Stu asked

"Oh yes, he brought another box of Angelica's old toys, the kids are probably having lots of fun with them right now." Didi chuckled, looking over into the living room

Going to take a peek, Stu went into the living room to see all the kids playing with the toys as he noticed Tommy rolling around the stroller with the doll clipped inside. Seeing this made Stu frown at the sight as he turned back to Didi.

"Deed, you do know Tommy's pushing around that doll in the stroller?" Stu asked

"Oh? Is he now, isn't that sweet?" Didi hummed happily, putting away the dishes she cleaned

"Sweet? Don't you think Tommy should, I don't know, be playing with blocks, trucks, and action figures. Not some..some doll in a stroller." Stu fussed upsettingly

"Now Stu, there's nothing wrong with Tommy playing with a doll. Toys are toys to him and the others. If anything, Lipschitz says it's good for babies to play with a variety of each other's toys, it's enriching for their development." Didi explained

"It's also a one way ticket to get made fun of by your peers." Stu scoffed

"Honey, you're overreacting much like you did when we gave Dil a bunch of Tommy's old toys." Didi said with a sigh

"I'm not overreacting, I just don't want our son to be ridiculed." Stu retorted, crossing his arms

"Stu, listen to me, I know you want what's best for Tommy and I do too, but Tommy will be okay. Just look at him right now, he's pretending to be a doctor. All that's going to happen is he'll learn to be gentle, kind, and helpful when he's older and we shouldn't interfere with that." Didi said, placing her hands on Stu's shoulders as they both looked over at Tommy who indeed was still playing pretend as he tried to listen to the doll's "heartbeat" through the stethoscope.

Stu, not wanting to interrupt Tommy's fun but also still not liking the idea of Tommy playing with Angelica's toys, let out a sigh in defeat.

"Okay, fine, he can play with the toys but that doesn't mean I agree with it." Stu insisted, making his way over to the cabinet to grab a cup and get some water to drink.

Before either of them could say more, the phone rang once again as Didi quickly went over to answer it.

"Pickles residence! Oh, Charlotte, what a surprise. Is there something you need?" Didi answered and asked instantly recognizing Charlotte's voice on the other end

"Hi Didi, I'll make it quick. I have a meeting call in five. Anyway, can you please pick up Angelica after preschool today? I just got a call saying the after school care in the community center was canceled for the rest of the week. Turns out that a stomach bug going around has hit many of the helpers and they just don't have enough staff and well you know Drew and I don't get off work till then." Charlotte explained

"Oh that's awful! Don't worry we can pick up Angelica once she's out for the day." Didi replied

"Thanks, don't know what we'd do without you. Anyway gotta run, bye for now." Charlotte quickly thanked Didi and said goodbye before hanging up

Putting the phone back on the receiver, Didi turned to Stu.

"Stu honey, Angelica's after school care has been canceled, do you mind picking her up?" Didi asked

"Yeah, sure, I need to get some more screws for the workshop anyway. I can pick her up on the way back." Stu said with a nod, finishing up his drink, and then heading to the foyer to grab his keys.

Checking to make sure he had everything else along with his keys, Stu then made his way out of the house.

What will happen next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now