Flu Season Pt 6

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Back again already? Yup yup I am! Thanking Celrock again for the idea and help as now I should be able to get this done very soon and will likely be moving on into the next adventure for the babies! Anyway hope you all enjoy this chapter as well!

Dil nodded approvingly, as he finished his sandwich and juice, before climbing down from his high chair and crawling towards the living room. Looking at the two bottom bookshelves, Dil searched them in hopes to find a photo album. Savannah soon followed, just as Dil found a purple photo album, and had it opened out on the living room floor, looking at the various pictures in it. He saw several pictures of his brother when he was younger, along with pictures of Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil. He quickly found a nice, big picture of Chuckie, which was taken when the family went to Paris a while back, as he showed it to Savannah.

"Chubby, uh, I mean, Chuckie, is my brother's bestest friend. If he recognizes this, then it really is Tommy." Dil said, showing the picture of Chuckie to Savannah having to correct himself from saying the former way he used to say Chuckie's name as a baby baby.

Savannah nodded, just as they heard noises coming from the TV. They turned to see the alieum baby Tommy was curled up on the couch, and Didi had put on a Dummi Bears video for him to watch. Once she left for the kitchen, Dil and Savannah took their opportunity to show the picture to Tommy. Obstructing his view of the TV, Dil waved the picture of Chuckie in Tommy's face.

"Move Dil, I can't see!" Tommy snapped.

"You've gots to tell me who's in the picture." Dil said, pointing to the picture of Chuckie.

"You know who it is, Dil, it's Chuckie." Tommy said again, still sounding grumpy.

"And Chuckie's your bestest friend, right?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah, he is." Tommy grumbled, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes, as he let out a little cough.

Dil just sighed, as he threw the photo album down on the floor.

"He's a alieum. Only a alieum would be so grumpy at the sight of a picture of his bestest best friend." Dil quietly said to Savannah, as they crawled off to the playpen, trying to come up with another idea.

Just then, Savannah looked out the glass door windows at the back of the playpen, to see Spike and Spiffy running through the backyard, when her eyes went wide.

"Maybe we can get Spike and Spiffy to help. Tommy loves playing with the doggies." Savannah suggested.

"You're right! He's always excited to see Spike. He'll get that alieum to go away and bring my brother back. Come on!" Dil said, tottling out of the playpen and towards the kitchen, where he and Savannah crawled out the doggy door into the backyard.

"Now what do we do?" Savannah asked.

Dil looked around, until he spotted one of Spike and Spiffy's toys lying in the grass. He picked it up and squeezed it, making it squeak. This got the dogs attention, as they came running towards Dil and Savannah. Startled, Dil through the toy in the direction of the doggy door. Spike and Spiffy chased after the toy, running into the house, where Dil and Savannah quickly followed them into the living room. Spike ran immediately over to the couch, where Tommy was now curled up, sleeping. Wanting to get his attention and cheer him up, Spike started licking Tommy's face. Under normal circumstances, he'd be happy with this approach, but being awakened from his nap a second time today, left him less than amused, as he started to cry.

(Tommy's POV)

I felts like I was only getting worser. I knows my brother was only trying to help me to feels better, but the milk only made me throws up. After my bathy and some lunch, mommy tried to puts me down for another nappy, as I still didn't feels good. My tummy hurted and my head and throat still hurt and I was coughing extra lots, but Dil and Savannah still thought I was a alieum. They wanted to see if I recognized Chuckie, and I did, but I really didn't feel likes playing. When I saw them go outside to play with Spike, I tooks this chance to try to take my nap, only for Dil to let Spike inside and have him wakes me up. I love my bestest doggy friend, but right now, alls I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't feels good at all, and wanted to be lefted alone until I felts normen again.

(Normal POV)

Overhearing Tommy's cries from the living room, Ebony, now carrying Samaya and Didi, walked into the living room, where Didi then switched off the TV and picked up Tommy.

"I think we'd better be heading home, it's nearly time for Savannah and Samaya's nap." Ebony said, cradling Samaya in one arm and Savannah in the other, as they headed towards the front door.

Didi did the same with Tommy and Dil, though it was a bit more difficult, with Tommy being a bit big to carry in one arm now, but she headed up the stairs, as Stu walked through at that moment, seeing Ebony and her daughters off. A few minutes later, Didi had Dil tucked in his crib and Tommy tucked into his bed, which now had clean sheets and a clean blanket, as she gave him some more children's Tylenol and closed the blinds and the door behind her.

"Have a nice nap boys." Didi said, blowing them a kiss before closing the door.

Dil peered through the bars of his crib over at Tommy, looking disappointed, as he let out a sigh and got comfortable.

"My brother's a alieum forevers." Dil thought to himself, as he drifted off to sleep, where he began to have a bad dream.

What will happen in Dil's dream? Find out next time!

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