New Baby, New Problems Pt 4

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Hey everyone long time no see! I apologize for not having this up last week, we had a wave of winter storm pass through so of course everyone was scrambling to prepare for that leaving me tired upon coming home from work. Either way hope you enjoy this chapter!

After having their lunch, the babies all were taken back to the living room to prepare for their afternoon nap. Samayah was already asleep in Ebony's arms as Ebony sat on the couch nearby, slowly rocking the newborn while humming. The babies were gathered in a napping circle with their pillows and blankets as one by one they all slowly fell asleep until it was only Savannah and Dil left awake. Letting out a yawn, Savannah turned over to look at Dil.

"Oh yeah, you still didn't get to shows Mayah something yet, Dil." Savannah reminded

"I still don't really knows what to show her." Dil sighed

"Hmm...well since everyone else showed her stuffs in the house then maybe you can show her all the stuffs to do to be a good baby baby?" Savannah suggested

"I don't know...I wasn't a good baby baby even Tommy said sos." Dil shrugged

"So? You're a big baby nows and you're betterer. Asides you can show her the betterer way to do things instead of the things you did as a baby baby." Savannah replied

"Yeah..I guess you're right. Thanks Savannah." Dil smiled, thankful of the reassurance from his friend

"Aw it was nothing." Savannah said before letting out another yawn. "I think we should takes our nappy now." Savannah suggested following with Dil, who nodded in agreement, as the two finally rested their heads as both slowly drifted asleep to take their nap.

A little while later, everyone had woken up from their naps as Samayah was placed into her chair in the playpen again.

"Okay now Dil can show Samayah stuffs." Savannah said getting up onto her feet

Dil, still a little hesitant, let out a sigh as he also got up as he went over next to Savannah

"Okay Mayah I guess I'm going to show you how to be a good baby baby. Um...Oh I gots it!" Dil said, thinking for a moment before spying Savannah's rattle lying on the floor. "Okay, Mayah, pretends I'm playing with your rattle and you wants it back. If you want the rattle you have to say peas first." Dil explained holding out the rattle to let Samayah see it

"Attle!" Samayah squealed, reaching out for it

"You have to say peas first, Mayah." Savannah replied

Samayah just tilted her head, slightly confused about the situation as she frowned, babbling while continuing to reach for the rattle. After a few moments of trying to grab the rattle from Dil, Samayah just frowned as she picked up the nearest thing she could reach which happened to be a block as she tossed it at Dil's head

"My attle! Mine!" Samayah yelled angrily

"Ow!" Dil cried out in pain as he rubbed where the block had hit his forehead

Samayah, however, wasn't finished as she went into a full blown tantrum grabbing anything around her that she could reach and tossing them at the group.

"Just give her the rattle you guys!" Chuckie said, peeking out from behind the toy box where he had run to take cover from the assortment of toys flying across the playpen

Hesitant, Dil gave in, handing the newborn back the rattle, instantly stopping the tantrum from the infant. Samayah just cooed happily as she shook the rattle.

"Well that didn't work." Lil commented

"Yeah, face it Savannah, your sister is gonna be a bad baby baby just like Dil was." Phil butted in.

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