The Return of the Box Pt 1

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Hey hey everyone it's that time of the week again! Here's the next chapter

It was a new day in the Pickle's household as it started out as it usually did, Didi coming in and greeting Tommy and Dil, Tommy using the potty while Didi changed Dil into a fresh diaper, and having breakfast. During breakfast however, Stu was currently rambling on about a new invention idea he just came up with due to the incident that had occurred in the post office the previous evening.

"This is it Deed! This will definitely be the invention that puts us on the map for sure!" Stu said, laying the blueprints he had quickly sketched overnight onto the kitchen table. "Gps trackers to help keep track of your kids. Small enough for your kid not to disturb the placement but it will keep track of wherever your child may be. If they happen to wander off you'll be able to find them in a jiffy with this!" Stu explained

"Oh that sounds wonderful Stu, I'm sure it'll be a great invention." Didi assured her husband

"Thanks Deed, I already have a prototype in the works down in the workshop. If anything I should have it up and running by this afternoon." Stu grinned, scooping up the blueprints as he finished his morning coffee before standing up from the table and heading towards the basement.

"Just don't work yourself too hard honey!" Didi called out as she turned her attention towards Dil who had gotten his breakfast of mushed peaches all over his face.

A little after breakfast Tommy and Dil were in the living room as Dil watched the Goober show first. Of course, not being interested, Tommy sighed climbing down from the couch toddling off to find something else to do in the meantime. Walking through the front entrance, Tommy noticed a box sitting by the basement door. It was the same box that Stu had gotten the previous day as he had already emptied it out leaving it out to be taken to the trash later on. Thinking to himself, Tommy then came up with an idea as he dragged the box into the living room next to the couch before climbing inside of the box.

The scene warped and changed as he was now outside of a cave in a jungle setting, his outfit changing to his Okey-Dokey Jones outfit as he cracked a whip fixing his hat as he proceeded to enter the cave. Upon entering the cave it looked like an ordinary cave as Tommy pondered about his next move, moving his hand along the cave walls. Suddenly his hand seemed to press in a secret wall tile on the wall as a trapped door opened below him, dropping him down what seemed like a large slide as his slide, zipped, and zoomed down the slide before landing on the dirt flooring.

Standing up, Tommy reached into his pocket pulling out a flashlight as he looked at his surroundings around him. Studying the walls he noticed that instead of normal cave walls it was now what seemed like an old temple ruin as he cooed in awe. Turning on his feet Tommy spotted a hallway as he began his exploration. Cautiously walking down the dim hall with only the flashlight, Tommy took in the surroundings, noticing the carvings in the wall showing what seemed like an old civilization.

"Oooh treasure!" Tommy squealed in delight as the carvings showed a mini map that there was a treasure room somewhere within the temple

Determined to find the treasure room, Tommy cracked his whip once more as he continued his way through the many halls of the temple. Having to avoid obvious traps like tripwires and holes in the flooring. However, Tommy wasn't expecting a booby trapped floor tile as Tommy fell through another hole in the floor into what seemed like a pit. Regaining his composure, Tommy got up moving over to his flashlight which had dropped out of his hand upon the fall. Leaning to pick up the flashlight he noticed something scaly sliter by his hand. Gasping, Tommy quickly retracted his hand from the light before quickly reaching out again to grab the flashlight. Shining the light onto the floor nearby where he just picked it up from as the light revealed the pit was filled with lizards lots and lots of lizards. Gulping Tommy stood still as many of the lizards scuttled by his feet.

"Lizzards...why did it have to be lizzards..." Tommy mumbled as he slowly crept his way through the groups of lizards collected in the pit to try and find a way out.

Noticing the wall seemed to be pushable, Tommy began pushing on the wall as it turned, pulling Tommy on the other side of the wall getting him out of the room full of lizards. Sighing in relief Tommy took notice of what seemed like a gold wrapper of candy on the floor by his feet as he looked up, noticing the piles upon piles of golden wrapped candies and Reptar bars.

"Wow, it's the treasure!" Tommy exclaimed

Giggling in delight, Tommy ran towards one of the big piles of candy. That was until his surroundings began to shake around him intensely as his imagination shifted back to reality as Stu had picked up Tommy.

"Sorry champ, I need you for a second." Stu said holding up Tommy, who frowned, as he took Tommy to the kitchen for a moment to show the prototype tracker off to Didi.

Stu took Tommy over to the table, sitting him in one of the chairs as he placed a tiny tracker onto the tag on the back of Tommy's shirt.

"Check this out Deed, with this little device attached to Tommy's shirt and this little tracking device screen on this controller it should tell me that Tommy is in the house right now!" Stu said as he sat Tommy onto the floor once again as Tommy began wandering back to the living room as he overheard the Goober show ending.

Stu fiddled with the controller device in his hand as it turned on as it zoomed in on the location of the tracker as some words popped up on the screen stating that Tommy was in China as Stu groaned smacking the device.

"Well I guess it has a few bugs...Ha imagine if the kids were actually in China we'd never hear the end of it." Stu said, imagining Tommy and Dil running along the great wall in Chinese clothing as they peeked over the side of the wall waving at the pandas below them.

"Oh it's great honey and I'm sure it'll work great once you fix the bugs." Didi said patting Stu on the shoulder

Meanwhile in the living room, Tommy had made his way back to the couch as Reptar was coming on, the intro to the show playing. Normally Dil would have watched with Tommy but he too had taken interest in the box next to the couch as he cooed and giggled crawling inside the box.

What will Dil imagine inside the box? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now