Accidents Will Happen Pt 4

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Happy weekend everyone! Here's the next chapter, hope you all enjoy!

{Normal POV}

Didi had managed to clean up the mess from the carpet before it settled as she returned back downstairs, washed her hands, and began preparing for lunch time for both Tommy and Dil. Dil, who was watching T.V. at the time, hadn't even noticed that Tommy was awake yet as the Goober show went to commercial break. Hearing the sounds of movement and clanging of pots and pans as Didi checked underneath the sink for the pot that she was looking for, Dil curiously got up and toddled his way towards the threshold between the kitchen and living room. Peeking in, he noticed that Tommy was not only awake, but sitting in his high chair of all places. This left Dil confused, seeing as well his brother was much older now and usually sat in a booster chair at the big table whenever their friends weren't over. Glancing over at his mom, Dil then snuck his way into the kitchen and over to the table to see if he could talk with Tommy. Right away, Dil did notice that Tommy still did look very ill and exhausted all at the same time as he tried to call out to his brother.

"Pssst, Tommy, are you okays?" Dil asked from below the high chair.

Slumping to his side to peek over the side of the high chair, Tommy saw Dil standing at the bottom with a concerned look on his face.

"No, my tummy still hurts, I threw up, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna keep going backwards until I turns back into a baby baby forever. I mean lookit, mommy even putted mes in your high chair just likes if I was one all over again..." Tommy huffed in frustration

"You can't turns back into a baby baby, Tommy! If you dos that, you won't be my big brother no more and I don't thinks I'd makes a good big brother." Dil protested, recalling the frightening nightmare he had only about two months ago where he dreamed that he was the big brother between him and Tommy

"Well I don't wants to be a baby baby neither, but if I just pass my itchination then I'll be a big baby again." Tommy said

Of course, not having any idea what Tommy was talking about, Dil was left confused. However, before Dil could ask what Tommy was talking about, Didi had finished up preparing lunch for both Tommy and Dil. Bringing the food over to the table Didi sat down a small bowl of chicken noodle soup with some crackers for Tommy while she had cut up some small sandwich pieces of pb and j for Dil to eat. At the same time, Didi had noticed Dil down by the high chair as she scooped him up.

"There you are Dil, come on sweetie, I'll let you sit at the little kid table for lunch while I help feed your brother. We don't need you getting his poor tummy bug." Didi hummed, taking Dil over to the small kid table they kept and sitting his plate of pb and j squares in front of him.

Feeling quite hungry at this point, Dil quietly ate his lunch as he watched Didi scoot one of the table chairs closer to Tommy as she began to spoon feed him just as if he were still a little baby. Tommy, having very little energy to stay awake especially after emptying his stomach, wasn't making the feeding easy as soup dribbled down his chin. Didi did her best though and managed to get Tommy to drink most of the soup and munch on at least one cracker. Luckily, for the time being, it seemed to be holding down in Tommy's stomach as Didi cleaned off his face and carried him back upstairs to lay down once again, this time with a sippy cup of water that he could drink if he needed it. Being left alone momentairly, Dil too could only wonder as well if what Tommy said was true and that he really was turning back into a little baby baby.

Upstairs, Didi was tucking Tommy back into bed once again as she placed his sippy cup next to the bed.

"You try and get some more rest sweetie, I even left you Mr. Tippy here if you need something to drink." Didi said, getting up from Tommy's bedside

Tommy nodded slightly as he began drifting off to sleep again fairly quickly. Didi, of course, quietly made her way out of the room again as she went back downstairs to clean up from lunch.

{Tommy's POV}

I fallded asleep agains as the nextest time I opened my eyes I was in the backyard agains. It was slightly different this times too, this time while I was still a baby baby, I could at least sits up by myself now. Seeing Dilly and the others talking bout something not too fars away, I cided to try and crawl over to them but I couldn't really crawls all that well at all. I thinks I mostly ended up just using my arms to pulls myself over to them on my tummy.

"He's biggerer but he's still a baby baby!" I hearded my brother say as everyone lookeded at me

"Well looks like we're gonna haves to do the nextest itchiniation test." Chuckie said, sounding dislapointed that I hadn't turned back to normen quite yet

"Neat, Phillip go and gets the mud ready!" Lil said to Phil

"Yeah! I'll make the biggest mud puddle ever." Phil cheered as he runded off to makes a mud puddle with the hose

It didn't takes Phil very long afore he mades the mud puddle in the corner of the backyard next to the hose.

"Okay, it's ready, bring him heres!" Phil calleded out

"Here, Dil, helps me carry him." Savannah said to my brother as they pickeded me up by my arms and takded me over to the mud puddle

Dil and Savannah then sats me down next to the puddle as Chuckie started telling me what I hads to do. I already knowded what to do but I guess they didn't knows that on account of being a baby baby again.

"Okay now all you have to do is fill your own diaper with mud and you'll pass this part of the itchination." Chuckie said to mes

Now I wasn't Phil so while I did likes playing in mud I never really liked having it in my diaper or nothing even back then. But if this meant I would stop being a baby baby forever, I guess I hads no choice. Taking a breaths I picked up a whole bunch of mud in my hands trying to take as much as I coulds. That's when I dids it, I shoved all that mud into my diaper, trying not to think about its too much... but all I could thinks about is how it reminded me of the accident I had earlier afore..

{Normal POV}

Tommy found himself jolting awake again, jumping out of his bed and trying to make a beeline for the bathroom. However, it was much too late as he had another accident in his pants. Crumbling to the floor, Tommy began sobbing again, alerting Stu, who had just returned home at the time after being out for most of the morning to do the errands Didi couldn't do, due to wanting to care for Tommy, as he rushed to find out why his oldest was crying.

"Oh no, Didi, Tommy had another accident!" Stu called out

Tommy could only continue to miserably sob, he just wanted everything to go back to normal...

Will everything finally go back to normal for Tommy? Find out next time!

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