Finster Pickles Pt 2

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Another chapter for you all! Hope you all enjoy!

Finishing up the pizzas, the group all began to sing happy birthday to Chuckie as Chas borrowed a lighter from the kitchen to light the numbered candle on Chuckie's cake.

"Make a wish big guy." Chas chuckled, patting Chuckie's shoulder

Thinking for a moment, Chuckie then leaned forward and blew out his candle with a grin as everyone around him began to clap and cheer. Next, Chuckie opened his presents as he got various things ranging from plenty of toys with anything from Reptar to Space Trek Babies to new pairs of clothes. Once the gift opening was done, the adults all allowed the kids to go ahead and play in the playground equipment while they cleaned up the mess left over from eating along with Chuckie opening his presents.

"Outta my way babies, I see a Cynthia Bakery set with my name on it!" Angelica said, shoving past the toddlers to go off toward the arcade to play games

At the same time, that same kid who was watching the Rugrats before, hopped down from his spot as he began walking over to where the Rugrats were at the play area.

"Well aren't those some familiar faces I haven't gotten to sees in a long time." The kid said

Freezing in their tracks, Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil recognized the voice while Kimi, Dil, and Savannah all gave the kid a confused look

"You don't thinks that..." Lil whispered

"Nah it can't be." Phil whispered back

"Uh, who are yous?" Kimi decided to ask, seeing as no one seemed to be talking

"I'm Josh, nice to meet yas. I played with Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil before." Josh answered

With that, their fears were answered as Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil all turned to see the brunette haired kid known as Josh. He still had on a red cap and the same yellow shirt with the purple stripe. However now instead of overalls he just had on blue jean pants along with mustard yellow boots. He was also still a fairly chubby kid but clearly was much thinner than the main four Rugrats saw him when Angelica pushed him down at the playground over a year ago.

"Oh right..uh Josh, hi." Chuckie laughed nervously, waving to the brunette

"Um, if you're asking us to plays with yous, we don't wanna." Lil commented

"Yeah, we're here to celebrate Chuckie's birthday not get pusheded around by yous again." Phil chimed in

"Calm down you babies, I don't want to play with you anyways. I just saws that you have new siblings and friends since I last saws ya and I had to see for myself." Josh commented, waving off Phil and Lil's comments before continuing. "I'm guessing pigtails over here is your sister, Tommy, while the alien boy over there is Chuckie's little brother."

"Um actually, I'm Chuckie's sister." Kimi quickly butted in

"Yeah and I'm Tommy's brother!" Dil also claimed

Josh gave them both a confused look before shrugging and rolling his eyes. "My bad, I just thought since, you know, you were all sitting on the sides of the table with your parents and your hair color is the same as if you were siblings."

At the same time, Angelica was passing by once again as she spotted Josh talking to the babies as she frowned. She recalled the last encounter with the boy and the babies wasn't a great one as he not only tried to keep the babies from her, but also jump on them too! After that, only other time she heard of the boy was from Timmy McNulty, seeing as he was in the same first grade class, and how bossy Josh had become to even gain the nickname from the other kids as "Bossy Josh".

"Hey, don't let me catches you trying to steal the babies away from mes again Josh or I'll do something worser than pushing you down!" Angelica exclaimed

"Geeez, okay okay, I'm not going to steal them again, calm down." Josh huffed before going off elsewhere in the arcade area

"Wow that was really nice of you, Angelica." Savannah commented, surprised that Angelica took a stand for their wellbeing

"Yeah are you sure you're not sick?" Dil asked

"Trust me, I'm doing you a favor shorty. Don't get used to it though. Angelica replied, rolling her eyes

"I'm just glad he's gone." Phil sighed

"Me too." Lil nodded

The rest of the Rugrats murmured in their agreements before a burning question came to Tommy's mind.

"Hey Angelica?" Tommy started

"What, can't you sees I'm trying to count my tickets?" Angelica rolled her eyes, looking to her cousin

"Um well, Josh thoughts since we had the same hair color that Dil was Chuckie's brother while Kimi was my sister acause we have the same hair color. So I was wondering if all brothers and sisters are apposed to have the same hair color?" Tommy asked, explaining what had just went down with Josh only a few moments ago.

Angelica hummed, thinking of how she wanted to answer that question. That's when a devious smile came to her face as she found yet another perfect lie to mess with the babies.

"Oh babies didn't you know?" Angelica asked, trying to sound surprised

"Know what?" Kimi questioned

"Oh just the flact that because you and Dil have different hair colors than your brothers you'll have to swap families and that includes your mommies to" Angelica smirked

"That's not true, Angelica!" Tommy yelled, calling out Angelica's bluff

"Are you sure about that cousin Tommy, I mean look. Phil and Lil's mom has brown hair just like they do. Not to mention Savannah, her sister, and her mom all have black hair." Angelica explained

"But if that's the way it is, what about Phil and Lil's daddy or even my daddy they haves different hair colors?" Savannah asked, crossing her arms, not buying one second of Angelica's story seeing as her own dad had dark brown hair.

"Oh that's easy, growed ups change their hair colors all the time. I mean I'm sure Tommy remembers when Grandpa had that stuffs that changed Chuckie's hair to black. My daddy does it too." Angelica answered, going all in on her lie. "And not to mention that Kimi and Tommy act just alike, always wanting to go on adventures and have fun. Meanwhile Chuckie and Dil are close to the same with being more cautious and have weird allergies. But it's fine if you don't believe me. Just don't comes crying to mes when Dil and Aunt Didi have to go live with Chuckie and his dad while Kimi and her mom has to come live with you, Tommy."

With that Angelica began humming as she skipped away to continue playing the various arcade games.

"Come on guys, it's probably another one of Angelica's dumb lies." Savannah commented

"But we don't knows that. Angelica's olderer than all of us, she would know about stuffs like that." Chuckie whimpered

Boggled down by concern, Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, and Dil all began to wonder if they really were going to have to switch and if that was the case: how to stop it!

Will Kimi and Dil really have to switch familes? Find out next time!

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