Winter 'Lympics Pt 5

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What's this? A chapter in the middle of the week! Yes, you're seeing correctly that I'm posting this on a late Tuesday evening. I had some vacation time left over so I've had Monday and Tuesday off as well in addition to my normal days off. Which means I had time to write up another chapter before having to return to work. Anyway I hope you all enjoy

After a few minutes had passed, Timmy sprinted his way back over to the group to tell them that the preparations for the last event were finally ready.

"Alright, babies who aren't in the final game can watch from the edge of the sandbox. Pickles brothers, Tanner and Savannah, follow mes to the starting line. And while you're at it, figure out which one of ya is gonna do the running and who's gonna try and hit the rocking horsey." Timmy instructed, taking the final two teams across the snow covered grass towards the sidewalk near the playset

The rest of the Rugrats, as instructed, made their way over to the sandbox near the playset taking their seats on the ledge of the box ready to cheer for their friends. As the two teams were walking with Timmy, they began talking amongst themselves to figure out the race placements.

"So which one of you guys is gonna run?" Dil asked Savannah and Tanner

"Well uh, since I haven't really gotten to use those toy neef guns I was thinking that maybe I should do the running and Tanner can do the other half of the race." Savannah answered

"Sounds likes a good idea to mes, asides I've had lots of practice with those guns it's like a peachy of cake when you have five olderer brothers to play with." Tanner grinned, proudly holding up three fingers, which of course was the incorrect amount, to show how many brothers he had.

"What about you guyses?" Savannah asked in return

"Hmm well I don't think either of us are the bestest at running with me just never really being a great runner and Dilly only just having started walking and running a while ago." Tommy answered

"Yeah, well I think you should still be the ones to do the running Tommy." Dil replied

"Are you sures, Dil?" Tommy asked

"Uh huh, we can only both do our bestest!" Dil nodded in response

"Yeah, Dil's right i'm not the bestest runner neither but I'll do it." Savannah chimed in

In the next moment the two teams and Timmy arrived at the starting line as he turned to the teams.

"Alright whichever ones of yous is gonna go up on the playset, go and stands over by the playset stairs. Runners, you stay here and get ready for me to give the signal to start." Timmy commanded

Following Timmy's orders, Savannah and Tommy made their way behind the line to wait for the signal while Dil and Tanner toddled their way over to the playset stairs. Glancing between the toddlers, Timmy figured they were ready to go as he got into position to set off the final race. With a final imagine sequence starting up again, Timmy was once again dressed in a referee uniform holding a starting gun to the sky.

"This is it folks, the final event of the 'Lympics as a whole. For this final race, we have the two lastest teams: Tommy and Dil Pickles on one team and Savannah Green & Tanner McNulty on the other team. Who will win the winter 'lympics? We will soon knows!" Teddy announced to the crowd

Upon Teddy finishing up his announcement, it panned back to Timmy who was given the okay to final start the final race.

"On your marks, get set....GO!" Timmy said, firing off the starting gun in the air as he yelled out for the babies to go

With that, Tommy and Savannah both took off running down the playground sidewalk as fast as they possibly could. The others sitting on the sandbox edge cheered for their friends, curious as to how the race was going to end. Savannah began pulling ahead as she got closer to the playset with Tommy not too far behind on her tail. However, unknowingly, Savannah ended up stepping on a patch of ice on the sidewalk that hadn't fully been cleared out causing her to slip and fall on her back right as Tommy passed her.

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