Is Savannah Ready? Pt 10

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Happy Weekend everyone and Happy Memorial Day for those who may be reading on that day! Hope you all are doing well! Here's the next chapter, hope you all enjoy.

"Phil ended up sitting on the potty forever and ever before daddy letted him come and plays in the living room with mes. We ended ups playing with our Reptar dollies as they wrestled for who was the betterer Reptar. But we hads to stops playing cause someones went potty in their training pants and hads to gets changed." Lil huffed, sending a glare over at her brother

"Not my fault that training pants don't hold a lots like diapers do." Phil muttered, "And since you've been telling all the stuffs, I wants a turn."

"Fine, you tells what happened." Lil said, allowing her brother to continue the story

"Okays..well I dids haves to get changed but agains it's not my faults. I member our mommy was the one that noticed that I needed to be changed so she dids that. She also tolded me that if I hads to go to the potty that I should goes in the potty and not in my training pants. I gots to go back and plays until it was time for lunch, which we gots to have fried bologna sandwiches with apple juice by the way, but that's when our mommy and daddy mades us sit on the potty again just to try and goes. Of course, Lil, being a big show off gots all of mommy and daddys tentions cause she went potty in the potty again. But, that did means I could sneaks away while they weren't looking and so I gotted up from my potty and wents to watch Adventure Squad. I thinks I dids overhear mommy tell Lil that if she kept doing goods and not having many accidents she'd get to wear big girl undiewear just like Kimi. I still didn't gets why anyone would wants to gives up their diapers, after all it just meaneded that you'd have to stops playing and I didn't wants to stops playing for nothing." Phil explained to the group of toddlers

Meanwhile Betty continued telling her version to the other adults in the kitchen.

"A little while passed and of course the twins got their lunch. Of course, we had them try and sit on the potty after eating. Got another successful trip from Lil, which of course we praised her for. Phil on the other hand, still just as stubborn, pretty sure he snuck off while Howie and I were dealing with Lil. Howie was worried but I assured him to just give Phil some time, after all maybe Lil was ready to grow up a little faster than he was and that was completely okay. I did end up telling Lil if she kept doing well, she'd end up getting to wear big kid pants within a couple days at the earliest." Betty told to the other two adults

"Hmm, how did you end up getting Phil to finally make his transition?" Ebony questioned

"Simple, just use the one thing to any kids' heart: Candy. Ended up picking up some sugar free lollipops and since Lil was doing so well I started rewarding her with said lollipops. Of course, maybe jealousy of not getting a treat may have not been the best approach but hey, it at least got Philly starting to try and use his potty more and more. Once they were both making it through most of the days dry, we upped the reward to taking them out for ice cream at the end of the week. Along with that, Lil of course got to pick out her own set of panties during that time seeing as she made most if not all of her potty trips by the time we were coming up on the end of the second week. Soon, Philly caught up, got to pick out his own underwear, and the rest was history. Both the twins were trained and out of diapers for good!" Betty chuckled at the memory of the day that the twins' diaper days were finally over.

"That's great to hear you finally got them both trained. Honestly, it's relieving to also hear the different experiences between all of your kids. I wouldn't know how Savannah would react to the transition but I at least now have some ideas of what to do and what I can potentially expect." Ebony replied with a grin.

"Who knows, maybe she'll take well to the transition and you'll get her out of diapers within a week or two." Betty said, patting Ebony on the back

"That'd be great if it'd happen, but Savannah is still on the younger side even if she's showing signs now, it might not take till later." Ebony chuckled

"Well, even if she doesn't, we'll help and support you throughout it all and I'm sure her little friends will as well." Didi responded

"I'm glad to hear it, I can't thank you two enough." Ebony thanked Didi and Betty

As the trio continued to chat in the kitchen, Phil and Lil were finishing up telling their potty training experience to the other toddlers.

"So what mades you finally use the potty, Phil?" Savannah asked

"Well, that's when our mommy and daddy started giving Lil lollipops everytime she wents to the potty. I wanted ones toos and Lil wouldn't share and mommy and daddy wouldn't gives me one unless I started using my potty. I thinks, eventurally, I just cided to starts going in my potty and not have as many asadents. I mean...I did notice that no matter what I'd have to stops playing whether I went in the potty or gots changed from having a asadent so might as well go in my potty. That's when I started getting lollipops too! And if we wents potty in our potties with no asadents we gots ice cream toos!" Phil explained before Lil took over

"I still gots to pick out my undiewear firstest but that's okay cause I thinks a few days afters Phil gots his as well. And after that we was fully potty trained and never lookeded back to diapers again. Asides, our ducky shirts and Phil's shorts have pockets so we started carrying more of our mud and stuffs in those pockets instead of our pants." Lil spoke, pulling out a pack of gummy worms from her dress pocket.

"I never knowed there was so many things to this potty training stuffs." Savannah scratched her head

"Yeah it is a lots, but since you're litterer you don't haves to dos it if you're not ready yet." Tommy commented as the other older toddlers agreed

"I thinks...if my mommy wants me to try. Then I'll try." Savannah said, choosing her choice right then and there.

What will happen now that Savannah has made up her mind? Find out next time!

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