Christmas Spectacular Pt 6

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Heyo everyone! Hope you all are having a happy new years! Have another chapter right before the end of 2022!

With everything finally decorated and ready for Christmas day, the next morning after breakfast the adults wanted to go off to check out the newly opened ski resort up the mountain. Of course, seeing as the babies were a little too young compared to Susie, Angelica, Edwin, Buster, and Alyssa they had them all stay behind with Lou and Lulu in the resort's main building.

"Are you two sure you'll be alright?" Didi asked the two

"Oh yes, we should be quite alright, right Lou?" Lulu replied, looking over to Lou

"It's not like it's our first rodeo taking care of eight kids at once." Lou answered "Now you kids go and have fun."

"Alright, we'll be back later. Now you guys behave for Lou and Lulu." Didi said

Didi then went off to catch up with the others as she waved goodbye to the group of toddlers. Once Didi was out of sight, Lulu suggested they take a look around the building to see what they could find activity wise. Fortunately the resort had an indoor play area for kids as Lou and Lulu took them over to the play area. Lighting up in excitement, the babies all made their way over to the various tunnels of the play set.

Up in the tunnels, Kimi happened to be crawling by one of the viewing windows within the tunnels as she spotted a familiar face. Over in the distance behind a crowd of people near the play area, she saw Taffy and her band. Letting out a gasp, Kimi crawled to find the others as she made it over towards the slide back down to the bottom.

"Guys, I sawed Taffy! We should goes and sees her!" Kimi jumped up and down excitedly on the platform

"Wow, I didn't think Taffy would be heres. Come on guys, maybe Grandma and Grandpa will takes us to sees her." Tommy said, gesturing for the others to follow as he made his way down the slide.

The group then made their way over to Lou and Lulu as Tommy proceeded to tug on Lou's pants leg. Notcing the tug, Lou looked down to Tommy as he bent over to his level.

"What's up, scout?" Lou asked

"Ganpa, Taffy!" Tommy exclaimed, pointing in the direction of Taffy and the small crowd gathered around her and her band.

"Oh my! Youngin is right, I forgot that Taffy mentioned the resort was letting her band play during opening week. We should go stop by and say hello." Lulu chuckled

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Lou asked, slowly standing up from his spot on the bench he was sitting on

Making their way over to join the crowd, they all listened to Taffy's band sing their own edition of "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" and "Silent Night" as the crowd clapped and dispersed slowly but surely. Once there was a break in the crowd, Lulu waved down Taffy hoping she would notice her.

"Aunt Lulu! Hi, I didn't know you all were going to be here with the minis." Taffy said, sitting down her guitar as she went over to great the group

"Oh yes, we were invited up to the cabins for Christmas and we're spending the day with the little ones while their parents are off skiing up in the mountains." Lulu replied

"Well, I hope you minis are having fun and you have a great Christmas." Taffy said with a grin, "Oh I gotta get back to playing, see you all later."

With that, Taffy went back to her band as they continued performing their own editions of Christmas songs. Soon the day turned into the evening as the parents all finally returned from the mountains. Meeting up with Lou and Lulu over by the play area they all then returned back to the cabin.

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