Christmas Spectacular Pt 1

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Hello hello everyone! We're moving right along into the next story within the story! I'd also like to say, even though it's a couple days after, happy birthday again to Celrock! Anyway hope you all enjoy, and happy holidays!

Soon after Thanksgiving's ending meant that Christmas season was now in full swing as many shops and businesses began decorating for Christmas. Even Angelica and Susie had an upcoming Christmas show at the community center preschool right before it let out for Christmas break that both Angelica and Susie's families invited the others to come to watch later the next week. At the same time the Greens wanted to make Samayah's first Christmas just as special as they had for Savannah back before they moved to the neighborhood. Seeing as this was around the time many families were renting out cabins to celebrate and go skiing up in the mountains Ebony and Alan decided that's what they wanted to do for Samayah's first Christmas!

Calling up to rent the cabin, Ebony also called up the other families asking if they'd want to all come along up to the cabins with them to celebrate Christmas that year. Luckily everyone seemed on board with the idea of going up to the cabins once again to celebrate seeing as their kids seemed to have a great time the last time. Plus with the new ski resort opening up, most of the adults were also interested in checking it out for the holidays. The next few days of course turned into prep time for going up to the cabins as the adults were scrambling to make sure they had everything for the trip.

It wasn't long before the day of Angelica and Susie's show came up as everyone made their way to the community center to see the performance. Gathering inside the community center auditorium the various murmurs of the crowd could be heard as everyone settled in. With the Rugrats families finding their seats, they each allowed the toddlers to sit on the floor, with the exception of Samayah who was in Ebony's lap, as they talked amongst themselves.

"Those are the most prettyful lights I ever sawed!" Lil exclaimed, pointing out the Christmas lights that made snowflake shapes on the stage

"Yeah! I'm sure this will be a great Christmas show." Kimi agreed

"I hope Mayah likes it! Especially acause it'll be her firsest time seeing Christmas stuffs." Savannah commented, looking over to her baby sister who happily shook her rattle

"I'm sure she'll likes it, Savannah. After all the gots Susie, and she's one of the bestest singers." Dil replied

The others muttered in agreement as the lights began to dim in the room as the show was finally coming to a beginning. Ms. Weemer of course walked out on the stage as she walked up to the mic.

"Hello everyone! I'd like to thank all of you whether family or friends for coming to see our Christmas show! Now who's ready for some holiday cheer?" Ms. Weemer announced, as the crowd clapped their hands

Grinning, Ms. Weemer then stepped away from the mic and off the stage to stand in front to direct the preschoolers. Soon the show was underway starting out with some of the classics starting with Jingle bells soon moving on into Let it Snow!, Jingle bell rock, and Rudolph the rednosed reindeer. Going through a couple more songs, soon the show was coming to its end with its final two songs. The first one of the final two was a parody of The Chipmunk Song with a trio performance from Angelica, Susie, and Harold. With the trio stepping forward, the instrumental of the song began playing as the trio rocked back and forth to the music as they began to sing.

Christmas, Christmas time is here

Time for joy no time for fear

We've been good in the past

Hope santa gets here fast

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