More Hand-Me-Downs Pt 2

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Happy weekend everyone! Apologies for getting this out so late, time got away from me today. Anyway I hope you all enjoy!

Stu went ahead to stop and grab some more nails from the hardware section at the store before he then made his way over to the community center where Angelica and the rest of her classmates that usually had after school care were waiting outside to be picked up. Pulling up to the curb next to the group, Stu got out of the car and made his way over to Miss Weemer.

"Oh, Mr. Pickles, right on time. Charlotte informed me that you were picking Angelica up today. Again I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you." Miss Weemer explained

"Ah it's no worries, I needed to stop and grab some stuff from the store. Besides, I'm sure Angelica would like to have some time to play with her cousins again." Stu assured Miss Weemer.

"That's relieving to hear, let me get Angelica for you." Miss Weemer said before turning back to her class, who was also being watched over by Dr. Yeskel. "Angelica sweetie, your uncle is here to pick you up!"

Hearing Miss Weemer call her name, Angelica quickly said her goodbyes to Harold and a few others before running over.

"Hi, Uncle Stu!" Angelica innocently greeted

"Hey Angelica, are you ready to go?" Stu asked

"Oh yes, Cynthia and I can't wait to get to play with Tommy and Dil." Angelica said in a sweet tone as she climbed into the carseat in the back.

"Great to hear, I'm sure they'd love to see you." Stu said, buckling Angelica in her car seat before shutting the door and climbing in the driver's seat

Waving to Miss Weemer, Stu made his way out of the community center parking lot as he made his way back home. Of course, now that she didn't have to on the innocent act, Angelica was grumbling to herself in the backseat.

"Ooh Cynthia, this afternoon is going to be awful if I have to spend it with those dumb babies." Angelica gripped as she looked out of the car window

It wasn't long before Stu had arrived back at the house as he helped Angelica out of the car. Unlocking and opening the front door, Stu and Angelica entered the house as Stu called out to Didi.

"We're back!" Stu called out as Didi peeked out into the foyer

"Oh, well hello Angelica! Did you have a nice day at preschool?" Didi asked

"Yes Aunt Didi, I had lots of fun!" Angelica said

"Good, if you want, Tommy, Dil, and their little friends are playing in the living room if you'd like to join them. We're going to try and have everyone stay inside today since Tommy just got over his little sickness." Didi said with a small smile

"Why of course Aunt Didi, I just love spending time with my dear cousins!" Angelica lied with a big grin on her face

Turning away from the two adults, Angelica could only make a disgusted face as she made her way into the living room. Taking off her backpack she tossed it onto the couch as she turned her attention towards the playpen where each of the babies were playing with various toys. However, Angelica quickly noticed that the toys they were all playing with weren't just any old toys...they were HER toys! Frowning, Angelica stomped her way over to the playpen as she grabbed onto the playpen fence.

"Hey, those are my old toys! What are you dumb babies doing with them?" Angelica yelled, startling Chuckie who hid behind Tommy

"My mommy said that your daddy broughted them for us to plays with since you don't plays with them no more." Tommy quickly answered

"Yeah! If you don't plays with them no more, why do you cares if we plays with them, Yucky?" Dil asked

"How many times do I have to tell till your mushy baby brain finally gets it? It's Angelica! It's bout time you learns how to say my name." Angelica growled at Dil before answering the initial question, "And I don't care abouts those dumb old toys anyway, who needs them when I gots all the bestest Cynthia toys. You dumb poopy babies can have them for all I care my toys are always going to bes a kajillion times better."

Angelica huffed and turned away from the playpen as she made her way over to the couch. Picking up the T.V. remote, Angelica then began channel searching in search of any good cartoons to watch. Meanwhile, Chuckie let out a sigh of relief seeing that Angelica had finally left them all alone.

"I tolds you guys playing with those toys weren't a good idea." Chuckie scolded the group

"Aww don't gets your diapies in a bunch Chuckie, asides Angelica saids it's herself she doesn't care about these toys no more." Tommy brushed off Chuckie's scolding

"Hey Tommy, can Jelly Bear be ones of your patients at your hopsicle? I thinks he's gots a boo boo on his arm?" Savannah asked as she toddled over holding the pink Dummi Bear plushie which had a small rip in the arm from wear and tear

"Of course, Dr. Tommy Pickles is on the case!" Tommy announced proudly, "You can brings him over to the sitting room." Tommy said

"Okay!" Savannah said taking the Dummi Bear plushie over next to a line of other toys that Tommy had set up to make a makeshift waiting room

"Oooh, Tommy can me and Phil be the peoples that brings you foods when you're in the hopsicle?" Lil asked

"Yeah sure, I'm sure all of the patients would likes something to eat to feels even betterer." Tommy said with a nod

"Neat! We can makes the DeVille specially special beakfast just likes our daddy does." Phil commented

"Yeah!" Lil giggled as she picked up the toy skillet

"Ooh can I plays? I wants to be the person who sits at the big window that mommies and daddies talks to when you goes." Kimi asked

"Great idea, Kimi. Every hopcicle needs ones of those." Tommy said

"Hey Dil, if you wants, we can pretends to be Jelly Bear's mommy and daddy and we can takes him to Tommy's hopcicle?" Savannah suggested, turning to her friend

"Ooh okay, we could even brings the ball on account of being Jelly Bear's favortiest toy that he takes everywheres." Dil agreed

Seeing everyone now joining in their game, Tommy then turned to Chuckie, not wanting his best friend to be left out.

"If you wants Chuckie, I always needs a assistieant." Tommy offered

"Oh uh, okay, just as long as I don't haves to do nothing icky." Chuckie agreed

Soon the group was engaged in their game, giggling happily amongst themselves as they all played together. Angelica, however, getting annoyed by the happy giggles of the babies couldn't only glare at them from the couch.

What will happen next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now