Curse of the Baby Monsters Pt 5

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Heyo everyone! Apologies for the late update I meant to put this up yesterday evening, however I had fallen asleep pretty early. But It is here now! Hope you all enjoy!

While Savannah and Dil continued their search for a flashlight in the youngest McNulty's bedroom, the rest of the group (specifically Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil) had started to regroup in the hallway seeing as none of the rooms they were looking in had what they were looking for.

"Did you guys find anything?" Phil asked

"Nuh uh!" Kimi shook her head in response

"Is it just me or did it get darkerer in heres?" Chuckie stammered noticing that the house was much darker than before due to the decorations no longer being lit.

"I think it's just you magination, Chuckie." Lil giggled, brushing off Chuckie's worries

"I don't know you guys, I think Chuckie's right. All the lightses are gone." Kimi frowned, as she too noticed while looking down the dark hallway

"See, see! It's not my magination!" Chuckie exclaimed

"Maybe it really did turn into a real haunty house." Lil replied

"Well if it's a real haunty house now, I wants to go home. Where's Tommy?" Chuckie whined wondering where his best friend was

"Dunno, I haven't seens him since we went to looks for stickies." Phil shrugged

"I haven't seen Dil and Savannah neithers." Kimi added in

"You don't think a big scary monster eated them do yous?" Chuckie asked worriedly

"Oh Chuckie, don't get your undies in a bunch we would have hearded them scream if that happened." Lil scoffed rolling her eyes

"Well then lets go finds them, they were looking at the rooms at the other end of the hall." Kimi suggested, taking her brothers hand

"I don't know if that's a good idea Kimi, I mean what if a big scary monster eats us instead?" Chuckie shuddered

"Then we'll beats it up together!" Kimi reassured her brother, "Now come on."

Chuckie could only groan in worry as Kimi dragged him down the hall with Phil and Lil following behind. However, Tommy had finally found what he was looking for, the bathroom! Seeing as it was one of the bathrooms that were shared amongst the 6 McNulty brothers, Tommy found a step stool in the bathroom as he pushed it over to the sink countertop. He had tried to turn on the lights only to meet with the same results Dil and Savannah had with the lights not turning on. Luckily, even with the lights gone out, the moonlight dimly shined through the curtain covered window in the bathroom allowing him just enough to see even without the actual lights. Skimming the bathroom countertop, he had finally spotted the box of Reptar bandaids scattered amongst the mess of toothbrushes, cups, and a couple of hairbrushes that were scattered amongst the countertop.

"Gots them, now to gets everyone and finds Angelica!" Tommy giggled happily, climbing down from the stepstool

Tommy then made his way back into the hallway, box of bandages in hand, as he emerged from the bathroom. At the same time, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil met up with Tommy at the entryway of the bathroom door.

"Oh guys, I founded the stickies!" Tommy exclaimed proudly holding up the box

"That's great, now let's get outs of this haunty house." Chuckie insisted, wanting to leave as soon as possible

"Okay Chuckie we can...Wait where's Dil and Savannah?" Tommy began to comply with Chuckie only to notice his younger brother and Savannah were not with the others

"We don't knows." Phil shrugged

"Last times we saws them they were with yous." Lil added

"We gots to find them firstest then. Im not leaving without my onlyiest brother." Tommy said

"Lets go to the room they were looking in, maybe they're still in theres!" Kimi suggested

"Good idea Kimi, come on you guys." Tommy nodded, turning to head towards the two youngest McNulty's room

Back with Savannah and Dil, they had both searched under the crib and bed with no luck in finding a flashlight. Moving on to the two individual toy chests, each toddler began searching through them, throwing out various toys in the process. Luckily, Dil ended up finding a flashlight at the bottom of the chest as he ended up falling forward into the toy chest.

"Hey Savannah, I founded one!" Dil called out, climbing out of the toy chest

"Yay, maybe now we can gets out of heres!" Savannah cheered

Turning on the flashlight, Dil made his way over to the door to the room with Savannah. Now that they were able to see a little better they could make their escape.

"Okay, I'll climbs up on your shoulders and I'll try and opens the door." Dil explained

"Okay!" Savannah nodded in response

With that the two began executing their escape plan as Dil climbed up onto Savannah's shoulders with the flashlight in one hand to allow him to see exactly where the doorknob was. Now up on Savannah's shoulders, Dil began to try and reach for the door knob. Outside in the hall at the same time, the rest of the group had made it over to the door to the room as well.

"Dil, Savannah are you guys in theres?" Tommy called out from the other side of the door

Hearing his brothers voice, Dil perked up as he grinned, happy to know his brother was there and could help them get out.

"Yeah we're in heres! We accidentally shutted the door." Dil replied.

"And when we tried to turns on the lights they wouldn't come ons!" Savannah also responded.

"It's okay we can gets you guyses out!" Kimi said, reaching up to the door knob as she opened the door.

Of course, with Kimi opening the door without warning, Savannah ended up falling back with Dil falling off her shoulders in the process.

"Oopsie, sorry." Kimi apologized with a nervous laugh noticing the two now in a pile on the floor

"It's okay Kimi, at least we can gets out now." Savannah said as she got up from the floor, helping Dil up after.

"And we founded a flashlight so it won't be so dark now." Dil grinned, picking up the flashlight from the floor

"And I founded the stickies to put on Angelica's boo boo!" Tommy exclaimed

"Does that means we can leaves this haunty house now?" Chuckie asked

"Yes Chuckie, we can leaves now. We have to get these to Angelica." Tommy chuckled

With that the group made their way towards the exit of the house to find Angelica and Susie outside.

What will happen now that the babies can finally cover Angelica's boo boo? Find out next time!

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