Fugitive Dil Pt 1

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Another chapter coming at ya for you guys! Hope you all enjoy! Heh we're edging closer and closer to the minimum 100 chapter goal. No worries though I still have plenty planned that we're going well past 100!

As the weeks passed the world around the Rugrats began changing as the leaves began their process of changing colors for the fall months that were upon them. Unfortunately for Dil Pickles that wasn't the only thing that had changed in the past few weeks. He did remember hearing from his doctor appointment that he was potentially going to have a couple more teeth coming in very soon but he didn't think it was going to be this soon!

Here Dil was, lying on the floor inside his and Tommy's playpen, pacifier in his mouth. At least he was able to chew on his pacifier to soothe his gums a bit from the aching pain of his gums. Sure he didn't use his pacifier as much anymore, but it was still good for when he wasn't feeling too well! Especially in this case! Dil just glanced miserably over to his brother who was playing with his Reptar doll as he knocked down the block tower with him.

"Dilly, do you wants to play too? It might dislact you from your teeths that are growing in." Tommy offered his brother, seeing as he looked upset. He remembered the last time he had his recent few teeth come in and he could relate to how his brother was probably feeling.

"Yeah okay." Dil nodded slightly as he sat up, readjusting the pacifier in his mouth as he continued to chew on it to sooth his gums

After helping rebuild the tower for Reptar to knock down once again as Tommy knocked down the tower with his Reptar down once again. At the same time Didi came into the living room as she picked up Dil from his spot in the playpen.

"Come on sweetums, you are going to see the nice dentist today." Didi said, patting her youngest on the back knowing his gums were bothering him. After the whole incident with Tommy and his bottles the first time around Didi had taken the time to find another dentist that wasn't Dr. Homer along with taking the advice from Betty of just referring to the dentist as well the dentist by the time she took Tommy in again for another appointment. As Betty mentioned, if she were to continue to call the dentist the tooth fairy it would only confuse them down the line when they are old enough to lose their baby teeth.

Allowing Tommy to quickly use the potty beforehand, Didi then took them both out to the car as she strapped them both in the back before climbing in the front herself. The trip was mostly silent as Dil wasn't feeling up for a conversation as he continued to chew on his pacifier. That was until he noticed something off with his pacifier. Removing it from his mouth, Dil stared at it with a visible frown. Of course, Tommy noticed his brother looking even more upset and decided to ask what was up.

"What's wrong Dilly?" Tommy asked

"Something's wrong with my binkie." Dil murmured as he fiddled with it in his hands until he discovered the issue. After squeezing the end of it, Dil discovered a hole in the pacifier, a fairly decent sized one at that

"Oh no, I thinks you bited a hole into it with your one tooth that you has Dilly." Tommy responded with a small frown

"Does that mean it's brokeded?" Dil asked, sounding more upset by the minute.

"I thinks so Dilly, but it's okay once we get to the dentlist mommy can gets you a new one out of the diapey bag." Tommy reassured

"No I don't want my binkie to be brokded! It's the onlyiest thing making my mouth not hurts!" Dil screamed, throwing the pacifier from his hand down next to him in a fit of anger as he began wailing.

"Oh dear...It's okay sweetie we're almost there!" Didi exclaimed as they pulled into the dentistry parking lot outside the building

Quickly exiting the car, Didi then made her way to the back to grab Dil and try to console him while also tending to Tommy and unbuckle him from his seat. Once Dil was calmer, Didi made her way inside the building with the boys as she made her way to the front desk to check in. Upon being checked in Didi of course allowed the two to play in the play area until they were ready for them both.

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora