Dil-A-Bye Beddy Time Pt 2

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Hello hello everyone! Happy weekend, hope you are all well! I have the next chapter for you all and hope you all enjoy!

"So, what are you gonna dos?" Savannah asked, looking at the oldest of the two brothers

"Hmm..." Tommy hummed, pondering how to deal with the situation. He wanted his brother to be happy but also he wanted them both to have their space in their room. Of course, that's when Tommy remembered back not long after Lou had moved out to the retirement home and how for those next few months, Dil had his own room. "I think I knows how. Dilly can has his own room again!" Tommy answered

"My own room? I never hads my own room, at least I don't thinks I did." Dil responded, looking confused

"You were really little stills. After grandpa lefted to lives in the tired home, Mommy and daddy moveded your crib in there and you hads your own room." Tommy explained to the two younger toddlers

However, the explanation alone brought up another question in Savannah's mind seeing as Dil and Tommy currently shared a room now.

"So if Dil hads his own room afore, why are you guyses sharing one nows?" Savannah asked

"Well, back thens, Dil used to wakes up from nightscares or when he wasn't feeling wells and would calls for me to come to his room. So there were lots of times where I was sleeping in Dil's room on the floor nextest to his crib. I guess my mommy sawed how I was sleeping and eventually cided to lets us share a room again. That way I was there for Dilly's nightscares and I could goes and lays back down in my bed once he was asleep agains." Tommy answered

"Oh, I sees I guess that makes sense. I know there's lots of times where Mayah would wakes up but usually my mommy or daddy would goes and sees her afore I could even thinks about getting out of my crib." Savannah nodded as she explained her experience with her own sibling

"Yeah I thinks that's why my mommy and daddy gots that radio thingy that lets you hear us from our rooms." Tommy added in

At the same time, Ebony and Didi appeared in the doorway looking relieved that the kids didn't somehow get out of the yard.

"We found them Al, they're up here in Vannah's room!" Ebony called downstairs to her husband

"They must have wanted to see Savannah's new bed, isn't that sweet?" Didi chuckled as Tommy saw this as his chance to suggest getting Dil a bed as he ran over to her.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Tommy exclaimed, tugging on her dress

"Yes snookums, what is it?" Didi asked

"Dil want bed!" Tommy answered, pointing over to Savannah's bed hoping his mom would understand what he wants

"Oh, well, we'll talk to daddy about that when we get home." Didi laughed, patting Tommy on the head. Honestly surprised at the toddler's suggestion as Dil also toddled over, lifting up his arms to be picked up.

"You don't hear that one everyday." Ebony spoke up with a chuckle as Didi scooped Dil up in her arms as he happily babbled.

"Mhm, though I guess seeing the other kids have their beds, especially Savannah, made him want one as well." Didi nodded in response

"Well, if you want we can give you the place where Al and I got Savannah's bed just in case you make up your mind on the matter." Ebony suggested, gesturing they'd go back downstairs

"Oh, that'd be great!" Didi exclaimed

Scooping up the kids, Ebony and Didi made their way back downstairs as Ebony gave the address of the place to Didi. Not long after letting the kids have their lunch and a nap, Didi departed from the Green's residence with Tommy and Dil as they made their way back to their own home. After making their way inside, Didi let Dil down as he and Tommy both toddled off to the living room to go and watch what was on the T.V. Hearing them return, Stu peeped his head from the kitchen threshold next to the stairs to welcome Didi back.

"Hey Deed, how did the playdate go?" Stu asked as Didi walked into the kitchen

"Great! The boys seemed to have a great time." Didi answered as she took a moment to sit at the table and relax. "You won't believe it, but Tommy suggested that Dil wanted a bed after they both got to see Savannah's new toddler bed earlier." Didi continued

"Is that right? Do you think he's ready for one?" Stu asked, going over to the cabinet to grab a glass to get something to drink from the fridge

"Well Lipschitz does say anytime between 18 months up to 3 and a half is fine and he's almost 21 months now." Didi contemplated

"I say go for it, it's not like we can't just put him back in his crib until he's ready." Stu said

"I guess you're right. It might also be a good time to move Dil back into his own room. I know he wants to play with Tommy but I'm afraid he's intentionally waking him up sometimes, especially at night or when he's not feeling well." Didi replied

"Whatever you think is best dear, I'll be right there to help you out." Stu said

" Oh Stu our babies are just growing up so fast." Didi sighed, not wanting her children to grow up just yet

"They are, and they're going to be growing up to be such great kids just like their mom." Stu chuckled

"I can say the same for you, they've got your creativity." Didi chuckled getting up to give her husband a kiss

"Any ideas for beds or shall I make Dil one?" Stu asked

"Ebony gave me the place where she and Alan got Savannah's bed, we can all go check it out and start there." Didi said, taking out the sheet of paper that Ebony wrote the place's address on.

"Sounds like a plan." Stu grinned

Meanwhile, listening in on their parents' conversation from the living room, Tommy and Dil looked at each other with a huge grin knowing that Dil was actually going to get his very own bed very soon.

What new bed will Dil get? Will the transition go well? Find out next time!

As an ending side note: This does fix the little plot hole that I realized I created really early on in Terrible Twos a few years back. Tommy and Dil sharing a room again. In the original series they each had their own room starting in the original series episode: Acorn Nuts and Diapey Butts so I realizing that I've used this chance to fix that plot hole and give a reasoning behind it all.

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now