Fugitive Dil Pt 5

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Not one but two chapters in the middle of the week! Hehe I wasn't kidding when I said I had a surge of writing energy!

"Let me goes!" Tanner cried out, squirming to try and get out of Tommy's grip on the back of his onesies

"No! Not until you tells everyone the truth!" Tommy protested, not letting the other baby get away

Over hearing the commotion, the kids nearby along with the other McNulty brothers decided to investigate as they gathered around the sandbox. Dil also noticed the commototion but couldn't do much else but listen to what was happening.

"Hey it's that binky biters brother! And he's being mean to our littlest brother!" Teddy squealed out loud.

"What makes you thinks you can pick on our little brother, Pickles?" Timmy asked, getting in Tommy's face

"I'm not being means! Asides my brother is also not a binky breaker, your brother is!" Tommy says, finally letting go of Tanner

Pulling the binkies from his shorts pockets, everyone gasped as the many broken binkies dropped to the ground onto the grass.

"See it couldn't have been my brother since he's been locked up! Their little brother is the one that has been taking binkies and biting themes until they're broked!" Tommy ranted, pointing to Tanner

"Hey yeah, that's true it couldn't have beens the Pickles' kid if he was locked up." One girl said from the group

"Oh yeah...but wait how do we knows he didn't just bites them to try and frame their brother?" Another kid asked

"I can proves that." Tommy replied, immediately going to snatch the pacifier from Tanner's mouth

"Hey, gives that back!" Tanner shrieked

Tommy, holding the binkie out of Tanner's reach, made his way back to the group as he showed off the pacifier that was in Tanner's mouth. The nipple of the end of the pacifier being partially chewed through. Many gasps and murmurs echoed through the group of kids as they then turned their attention to Tanner with a glare.

"So it was him!"

"Yeah it was your brother that was the thief all along, Timmy!"

The kids angrily clamored, staring down the McNulty brothers as Tanner fearfully hid behind Teddy.

"Oh uh, well I guess that means your brother is innocent...Sorry about that" Timmy murmured as he reached into his pocket to take out the key

Making his way to the monkey bars, Timmy unchained Dil from the monkey bars, finally freeing him.

"Yay I'm free! Thanks, Tommy I knew I could counts on you!" Dil giggled in glee, running to hug his brother.

"No problem, Dilly." Tommy grinned

"So, what's gonna happen nows that everyone knows that I'm not the binkie biter?" Dil asked

"Good question..." Tommy replied, looking over to the group of kids who were surrounding Teddy and Tanner

Following the group surrounding the two youngest McNulty's was Tanner starting to cry unconsoably.

"I'm..I'm sorry okay! It's just I gots some tooths coming in and they hurt really bad!" Tanner sobbed

"That doesn't mean you can takes our stuffs and breaks them!" One boy exclaimed as the others agreements could be heard amongst the group

Seeing the situation, Dil did feel a little bad for Tanner as he too knew what it was like at the moment to be teething and ultimately destroying his own pacifiers in the process. Dil, without any hesitation, went over to the group as he stepped in between the two youngest McNulty's and the crowd of kids.

"Look guys we can't be too mads at him! I has some tooths coming in too and they do hurts really bad... and everytime I bites on my binkie I puts holes into them toos. It wasn't okays that he dids it but he dids it acause he just needed something to bites have tooths coming in is no fun for any baby and you guyses should knows that too." Dil defended the youngest McNulty as well, be sure to show off his own pacifier which indeed did have a hole as well

Luckily, they all did understand the pains of teething and did forgive the youngest McNulty brother in the end as they finally dispersed away from them all. Tanner, peeking out from behind Teddy, looked at Dil as he began to speak.

"Uh...thanks for sticking up for mes. Even after I gotted yous in trouble." Tanner muttered

"It's okays!" Dil nodded in response

With that Teddy and Tanner went off to meet up with their other brothers.

"You did a good thing by sticking up for hims, Dilly." Tommy praised

"Hehe thanks Tommy," Dil smiled, before then a frown crossed his face again, "Hey Tommy, can you maybe helps me tell Savannah that I didn't take Samayah's binkie...I think she still thinks I did it." Dil asked

"Yeah sure, I think I seens them over by the lake feeding the duckies when I was picking up binkies." Tommy agreed

With that both toddlers made their way over to the lake side in search of Savannah and Samayah. Over at the lake, Samayah was taking a nap, finally calmed from the broken pacifier fiasco with a new purple pacifier, as Savannah happily tossed some rice at the ducks to feed them. Coming closer, Dil hesitantly rubbed his arm seeing his friend as he took a breath.

"Hey Savannah!" Dil called out

Hearing her name, Savannah turned only to see Dil standing not too far away as a saddening look crossed her face.

"Uh, what do you guyses want?" Savannah asked

"Dil wasn't the one who brokded your sister's binkie, It was the McNulty kid, Tanner that did." Tommy explained

"Oh..Yeah that makes a lots more sense...I kind of heard you gots locked up cause everyone thought you brokded my sister and everyone's binkies acause of me. I'm sorry." Savannah apologized

"It's okay Savannah, you were just looking outs for your baby sister just like Tommy looks out for me." Dil said with a smile

"Friends again?" Savannah asked

"Only the bestest friend I could have in the whole wide world!" Dil beamed with a giggle

"Yeah! Oh would you guyses like to feed the duckies with me?" Savannah asked again

Tommy and Dil looked to each other with a smile before looking back at Savannah, "Sure!"

With that the trio began feeding the ducks together for the rest of their time at the playground.

What adventures will Tommy and the gang get into next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now