The Good, The Bad, and The Second Dil Pt 6

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Here's the next chapter as promised. Hope you all enjoy!

Glancing over, Dil noticed that Tommy wasn't in the room. Most likely either already downstairs watching T.V or gone off to take his morning trip to the potty. Of course, overhearing the sounds coming from the baby monitor, Didi came into the room as she lifted Dil up into her arms.

"Good morning sweetie." Didi greeted Dil, patting his back as she carried him over to change his diaper

Dil didn't pay too much attention as he was lost in thought. Sure he had done a lot of good things over the past few days, but would it be enough? Maybe he had to do one last thing, one thing that would for sure prove to his family to not replace him. As Didi finished up changing Dil and getting him into his purple alien shirt, Tommy returned to the bedroom while Didi sat Dil down on the floor. Thinking to himself, Dil then thought of, at least in his mind, a great idea! Why not help his brother get dressed? That's a good thing, and it would be helpful too! Making a beeline for the dresser drawer, Dil toddled up and started pulling out Tommy's usual outfit.

"Dil what are you doing?" Tommy asked, walking up behind his brother

"I'm going to helps you gets dresseded!" Dil exclaimed proudly

"Dil, I can dos that by myself. Well mostly by myself..." Tommy sighed

"No, it's okay, I wants to help." Dil said, turning to his brother with his yellow shirt and blue shorts in hand

Slightly annoyed, Tommy tried to grab the clothes from Dil's hands as they began a game of tug of war. The sounds of fussing and grunting got Didi's attention as she turned to see the two toddlers fighting.

"Tommy, Dil, no no! You're going to rip those!" Didi scolded, taking the clothes from them both

"Me do it! Not Dil!" Tommy yelled, clearly upset that he got in trouble for something he didn't even start

"Of course, sweetie. Come on, Dil I'll take you to daddy and you can help him with breakfast while Tommy gets dressed." Didi said, scooping up Dil and carrying him out of the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Tommy managed to mostly dress himself, however he did end up putting his shirt on backwards, while Didi placed Dil in his high chair.

"Here Stu, Dil can be your little helper." Didi said, giggling as she took off back upstairs to help Tommy

"Morning Dilster, how about you and I make some bowls of cereal for your brother? How's that sound?" Stu asked patting Dil on the head

Dil babbled in reply as he let out a sigh when Stu turned his back. That didn't go how it was planned, if anything it made it worse. Dil could only watch as Stu poured the cereal into the two kid size bowls for him and Tommy as he opened the fridge to grab the milk. As Stu opened the fridge, he noticed that the jar with dill pickles in it was very low while reaching for the milk.

"Ah, we have to grab more sliced dill pickles from the store before the cookout." Stu said out loud, taking out the jar with only two to three pickles left as he sat the jar on the counter.

Hearing this, Dil felt his heart race at the thought of his replacement coming soon. However, as he eyed the jar on the counter next to his dad he vaguely recalled the one time he was out with Taffy and the others at some food place. Taffy mentioned something about not liking dill pickles then after removing the green things that looked exactly like the ones in the jar. Maybe...there was more than one kind? Like there was Dil himself, but also the kind you find in a jar and put on your food? He was going to go with that. Calming down over the fact that his dad was not talking about him but the food kind of dill, Dil let out a sigh of relief as Stu finished pouring milk in the bowls. At the same time, Didi brought Tommy downstairs to join everyone in the kitchen as they all had breakfast. Tommy, who was still slightly upset with Dil, ate his cereal in silence as he glanced over at his brother. He knew Dil was acting weird, but it was extra weird to him. He figured he'd ask Dil sometime after breakfast, and once he wasn't so upset anymore.

The rest of the morning was mostly uneventful as the afternoon was creeping up. Seeing as the cookout was going to be that afternoon, Stu stepped out to go on to the store and grab a few things while everyone started arriving at the Pickles' residence for the cookout in the backyard. The Finsters and Greens were the first two families to arrive as Chuckie, Kimi, Savannah, Tommy and Dil all played in the sandbox. Of course, Tommy remembered he was going to ask his brother what was happening that had him acting so weird as he decided to bring it up.

"Dil, why are you acting so weird? Firstest you don't want to watch Goober and just lets me watch Reptar. Now you're trying to helps me when I don't needs it." Tommy questioned

"Well after I asadentally gotted Savannah in trouble I hearded mommy talking abouts planting more Dils and I thoughts that meaneded that I was going to gets changeded for a new Dil that didn't gets nobody in trouble and helpeded everyone." Dil explained, "But it looks likes mommy and daddy are still going to gets a new Dil." Dil slumped sadly

"Oh Dil, mommy and daddy aren't going to gets a new you!" Tommy exclaimed

"How do you knows that?" Dil asked

"Acause, we thoughted the same thing when you were still a baby baby when mommy said she was gonna plant some dill afore!" Tommy answered

"Wait, this happened afore?" Kimi asked

"Oh yeah that's rights, you and Savannah weren't heres when it happened. Come on, I'll shows you." Tommy said leading Chuckie, Kimi, Savannah, and Dil over to the garden bed

Over in the garden bed, Didi's dill and other herbs along with some vegetables had begun sprouting as Tommy scoured the field to notice the all to familiar sign from the previous year. Pointing to the sprouting plant, Tommy pointed to it in the field.

"That's a dill plant, mommy says they're herbs who we never figured out was but stills there's two kinds of Dil. The kinds you eats and then there's my brother." Tommy explained with a grin

"That means I was worried for nothing!" Dil cheered up, jumping for joy that he wasn't getting replaced

"I'm glads you're not getting replaced, I likes you as you Dil." Savannah commented, "I'm also sorry that I gots super mad at yous the other day and I also wanted to thanks you for getting my sisters teasing ring backs to her." Savannah continued

"It was nothing, and I'm still really sorry for getting yous in trouble." Dil replied "Friends again?"

"Uh huh!" Savannah nodded with a grin

With that the kids all went back to playing as Phil and Lil finally arrived to join along with their parents, Drew, Charlotte, Angelica, and The Carmichaels as well. Soon it was time to eat with Stu having grilled burgers and hot dogs for the cookout. As the toddlers munched away underneath the picnic table, Kimi crawled out to grab another hot dog as Lulu walked up to the table to get condiments for her burger.

"Oh do you want any pickles on your burger, Lulu?" Didi asked.

"I'll take a pass on that one Deed, I don't like dill pickles all that much really." Lulu answered, causing the group of toddlers to gasp and look over at Dil

"Uh, maybe we should get Dil to do lots of nice stuffs so your grandma will likes him." Savannah commented

"Not agains...firstest it was Taffy not your grandma?" Chuckie whined

"It's okay, uh, we can do the same thing likes we did with Taffy!" Tommy exclaimed, slightly panicking as well

As the group began to express their worries and wanting to help Dil. Dil could only let out a huge sigh when he realizeD what his grandma meant. It was very very rare that he was the one teaching everyone else something...but he guessed there was a first time for everything.

"Guys, calm down. I've gots to tell you something." Dil said, getting up on his feet to calm and gather the group together to get his explanation across.

It was safe to say from that point on, the group now knew three kinds of Dil. Dil, Tommy's brother, dill pickles the sliced kind you put on burgers, and finally the herb.

What shenanigans will the Rugrats gang get into next? Find out next time!

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