Big Brother Dilly Pt 10

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Another chapter for you all! Bringing this story within the story to it's end. Hope you all enjoy!

While Kimi watched the Dummi Bears show on T.V., Tommy and Chuckie were playing with blocks in Chuckie's room. Tommy, however, seemed very distracted as he fiddled with the block in his hands. Noticing this, Chuckie let out a sigh knowing his friend's worries weren't going to disappear so easily.

"Tommy, I know you're worried about Dil but he should be okays." Chuckie started, placing a block on the tower they were making

"But what if he isn't Chuckie? What if he gots another boo boo acause I wasn't there to protect hims? Or or his sticky came off and all his blood is coming out?" Tommy frowned, looking up at his best friend

"Tommy, do you remembers the firstest time you gots your boo boo?" Chuckie asked

"Yeah..." Tommy replied

"And member how after you saveded me from the thorny bush, I showeded you that your firstest boo boo gotted better?" Chuckie followed up

"Oh yeah...then that means Dil's boo boo will be okays!" Tommy perked up, recalling the time when he indeed had gotten his first cut in the park after helping a baby bird

"Uh huh, and even if he gets another one he'll be okays. You don't have to worries so much, believes me worrying about how scary or dangerous everything isn't as much funs as it sounds." Chuckie nodded, hoping he finally had a breakthrough with Tommy's sudden overprotectiveness

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Chuckie." Tommy thanked the three year old

Tommy let out a sigh of relief, finally relaxing a little since he first got dropped off over at the Finster's home. Dil was going to be just fine, he just had to keep reminding himself of that. Dil wasn't a baby baby anymore after all. He sure didn't have fun when he personally decided to sit and do nothing at the playground when he was afraid of getting another cut, he couldn't imagine how Dil probably felt during the times he wouldn't let Dil play at all.

"Good, now can things go back to normen?" Chuckie asked

"Of course, Chuckie." Tommy nodded, giggling as he placed his block on the tower they were building

Enjoying the rest of the morning, it wasn't long before Tommy was picked up by Didi from the Finster's place. Kira did bring up the concern of Tommy not eating dinner the night beforehand but assured Didi that he did eat breakfast and just chalked it up to him not wanting spaghetti that evening. After exchanging their goodbyes, Didi made her way back to the house, letting Tommy out of his carseat upon arriving into the driveway. Tommy, wanting to check and see how his brother was doing, made a beeline for the front door wanting to get inside.

"Mommy's coming sweetie, hold on." Didi chuckled as she made her way to the door, unlocking it to allow Tommy to go inside. "Stu, honey , I'm back!" Didi called out to Stu as she went to place her keys on the holder hook on the wall

While Didi placed up her keys, Tommy made his way into the living room hoping to find Dil. Luckily Dil and Savannah were both still watching T.V. on the couch as the Goober television show was slowly coming to it's end for it's half hour segment. Peeking, Tommy took a deep breath before slowly coming around the corner of the couch.

"Hey Dilly, I'm back." Tommy greeted his brother

"Hi Tommy!" Savannah greeted

"Oh uh hi Tommy, um don't be mads but I gots another boo boo when we were playing outside yesterday and my sticky came off toos. I'm sorry we weren't as careful..." Dil said, holding out his hand to show off the bandaid as he tried to apologize before Tommy cut him off

"It's okay Dilly, I forgotted to tells you that boo boos will go aways after a while and I'm sorry for not letting you have any funs acause I thoughts I had to protects you too much." Tommy cut in, apologizing instead to his younger brother

"It's okay, you're my big brother and big brothers have to looks out for the litterer one. And after the nightscare I hads, I think I rather be the litterer brother." Dil replied

"You hads a nightscare?" Tommy asked, hoping his brother was alright, he knew nightscares were the worst thing that could happen to a baby

"Uh first it was okays I gots to be the biggerer brother while you were the littler one..." Dil began explaining what happened in his dream up until what happened in the very end where dream Tommy ended up getting eaten alive. "And that's when I wokeded up...Thinking abouts it again, why didn't you let the monkey's takes me, Tommy?"

"It's acause you're still my brother Dil, no matter how much we makes each other mad. And it's my spositility to takes care of you even if everyone in the whole wide world wanted you to goes away. Though I guess I shouldn't dos it too much to where you can't have fun neither. I member when I got so scared when I gots my firstest cut I didn't want to play nothing and that wasn't fun either." Tommy explained

"When did you gets your firstest cut?" Savannah asked, curiously

"It was at the park, I helpeded a baby bird not get squishered and took it back to it's family but acause it's home was in a thorny bush I gots a cut on my finger. And the only reason I stopped being ascared of getting another one and worrying all the blood was gonna comes out is cause Chuckie showeded me that my boo boo gotted better after I gotted another one saving him from the thorny bushed." Tommy explained

"Wow...well at least I knows if I ever gets a cut I won't have to worries about all the blood coming outs or getting tangerine." Savannah replied

"Yup! Asides it's much more fun being able to do what you wants instead of sitting around doing nothing." Tommy nodded in agreement

"Yeah! Speaking of thats, can we maybe plays with the blocks now?" Dil asked, climbing down from the couch

"Of course, Dilly, we can make the biggest tower the world has ever seend." Tommy giggled, pulling Dil into a half hug

"I wanna help too!" Savannah chimed in, making her way down from the couch as well

With that, the trio then made their way over to the collection of blocks in the playpen as they began to build a block tower without another care in the world for that day.

What shenanigans will the Rugrats get into next? Find out next time!

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