Accidents Will Happen Pt 6

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What's this? A chapter on a Thursday evening?! Yup you're seeing correctly I am indeed posting this chapter on Thursday instead of the weekend. I had a lot of writing energy today with me not doing much this evening I thought why not try and wrap this story within the story up. Hope you all enjoy! I'll be posting the next chapter shortly after this one!

Being placed back in bed once again, Tommy wondered why he was still so tired despite having slept so much over the past two days. Too tired to think about it anymore, Tommy concluded in his mind that it was due to the whole "turning back into a baby baby" circumstances. After all, Dil slept a lot more than Tommy and his friends when he was still a baby baby. Nodding off, Tommy found himself drifting off back to sleep once again. Meanwhile, back downstairs, Didi had cleaned up from that morning's breakfast as she washed all the dirty dishes and put them away. Not long after she finished, the phone ended up ringing as Didi made her way over to answer it.

"Hello, Pickles' Residence. Oh, Betty, how are you?" Didi answered, speaking to Betty on the other end of the line

"Hey Deed, I hate to ask but can you watch the pups? Howard's down with the bug going around and since Chas and Kira are having another swamped day at the Java Lava so I'm going to go in and give them a hand again." Betty replied

"Well...Tommy is just now getting over his little stomach bug, but I guess if he stays upstairs it should be alright." Didi hummed, concerned about the other kids contracting the same stomach bug

"Awesome, thanks Deed, you're a lifesaver. I'll drop the pups off in a few." Betty thanked Didi before hanging up the phone

Placing the phone back on its receiver, Didi did a through but quick clean up around the first floor of the house to ensure the kids wouldn't pick up any of the germs from Tommy's stomach bug. Back upstairs with Tommy, he had begun to dream once more, returning to his initiation test.

{Tommy's POV}

I was still at the park when I blinked and opened my eyes all over again. Now I was just like I was afore I turned two, back to just my blue shirt and diaper. Which meanded that I was almost done with the itchination and soon gonna be back to my regular old self. Taking one looks at Chuckie, I already knowed that I was gonna have to dos the summersault test and well, since I wasn't real little no more, I'm sure I could dos it now!

"Looks like we're gonna haves to gives you the summersault test." Phil tolled me as he put his hand on my shoulder

"I don't know about this Tommy, we could just says you're a big baby and lets you be one then you won't has to do the test." Chuckie said to me, sounding really ascared

"I haves to do it Chuckie, just saying I'm a big baby this time won't be goods enough." I said to Chuckie

That's when I hearded a voice that I and all my friends knowded too well, especially after having to listen to him at the park the other day while we played the winter 'lympics, as everyone turned to see no one other than Timmy McNulty.

"Aww is whittle baby baby Tommy Pickles trying to grow back up? Fat chance, there's no way you can do it. After all, everyone knows that now for the summersault test, you have to do a summersault with your eyes close off the tippy top of the slide and onto the rocking horsey." Timmy explained, teasing mes

"Wait a minute, nobody said nothing about doing a summersault off the tippy top of the slide!" Kimi yelled at Timmy

"I guess no one tolded you babies then, it's the new rules. And if you don't, you don't gets to be a big baby and stay a baby baby forever and ever." Timmy said, laughing just like Angelica would after stealing or breaking one of our toys

I was going to do it! I didn't want to stay a baby baby forever, I wanted to go backs to being two and a regular old baby like everyone else. Turning to the playground I started going over to the ladder that tookeded you up to the top. Chuckie being Chuckie of course tried to stops me but I wasn't going to lets him talk me out of this one.

"You don't have to dos it Tommy, we'll still be your friends even if you're a baby baby forever." Chuckie said, holding onto my arm

"But I don't wants to be a baby baby forever, I wants to be two and grows up with you guys. I'm going." I said, pulling my arm away from Chuckie as I walkded the rest of the way to the ladder

Grabbing onto the bottom of the ladder, I lookeded up seeing that it was a really long climb, as I began climbing up.

{Normal POV}

Back in reality, Betty had finally dropped off Chuckie, Kimi, Phil, Lil, and Savannah as Didi had them all in the playpen with Dil. Playing with the ball, the group rolled the ball amongst themselves until Didi went back to the kitchen. Of course with Didi out of the room everyone turned their attention to DIl. Dil, however, was looking very down as Savannah noticed this as greet her friend.

"Hi Dil, what's the matter?" Savannah asked

"Oh it's nothing...just that I'm going to bes a big brother." Dil answered in a sad tone

"Really? Is your mommy gonna haves another baby and you and Tommy gets to have a little brother or sister?" Kimi asked

Dil shook his head in response and before he could open his mouth to speak once again. Chuckie asked the burning question that had been on his mind since they arrived as he held onto the ball.

"Where is Tommy anyways?" Chuckie asked, rolling the ball over to Dil

"That's what I was going to tells you. Tommy's going backwards. He's spitting up lots, and going poopy in his pants, and then not only dids my mommy puts him in some undiewear that looks and feels like diapies but she even putted him in my high chair and was feeding him soup and crackers just like he was a little baby baby. My mommy even putted him back to bed cause he was still really sleepy." Dil explained to the group about how the last few days with Tommy had gone

"Well, let's go see if he really is turning backs into one ourselves." Lil suggested, getting up from her spot on the floor

"Yeah, if he's really turning backs into a baby baby then your mommy probably putted him to sleep in your crib too." Phil said, also getting up

The thought of Tommy taking over his crib never occurred to Dil as he frowned at the thought of having to share or even give up his crib. Crawling over to the pile of toys, Dil found one of Tommy's spare screwdrivers to open up the playpen.

"Okay, let's gos and see." Dil said, toddling over to the edge of the playpen and opening the latch

Once the playpen was open, the gang made their way out and crept their way over to the stairs and up to Tommy's room.

Will Tommy be able to pass the final test? Will Dil and the others discover the truth? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora