Is Savannah Ready? Pt 6

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Happy weekend once again everyone! Here's the next chapter I hope you all enjoy!

"When we went to sleep, I had a nightscare. I don't remembers too much but I do remember being in jail and Phil and Lil were the police guys taking me to some giant potty. Tommy was there toos cause I remember trying to gets Tommy to make Phil and Lil lets me go so I didn't haves to go on the giant potty. That's when he tolded me to be brave for the little people who were just our parents but very very small. I then said I would try and that's when we finally wents to the room with the big potty where some guy was standing nextest to the potty like a guard. I changed my mind and tried to runs away when we gots there thoughs acause well, I was still ascared of going on any potties especially this giant one but Phil and Lil pickeded me up and throweded me on the potty. I tried to talks my way out of it to the guard but it turneded out that the guard was Angelica! She ended up pulling the potty flusher and I ended up falling into the potty and getting flushed down the potty...

That's when I waked up and knowed I had to go potty really bad. Not wanting to have another asadent, I climbded out of Tommy's crib and ran to use the potty and this time was the firstest time I actually went potty in the potty!" Chuckie explained his night of that eventful day as Didi went ahead to finish up telling Ebony and the others about the end of her version of the experience.

"Fortunately, sometime after putting the kids down for the night, Stu overheard some noise and woke up to go and check. That's when he saw Chuckie had gotten out of bed all on his own and called for me to come in and see. Of course, we praised Chuckie for his success in using the potty and after that I don't think we really had many issues with Chuckie and his potty for the rest of the weekend." Didi told to the group

"And from then on, Chuckie was diaper free! I think I even took him to the store at some point after I got back and he was for sure not having any more accidents to let him pick out some underwear he liked. That way I could show how much he has grown up and how proud of him I was." Chas added in with a grin

"I think rewarding him by letting him pick out his own underwear is a great idea to reinforce that they're grown up." Ebony replied

"Indeed, it was part of the reason that we could even get Kimi to stay still on the potty when it was her turn." Kira commented

"Oh, really?" Ebony questioned

"Yeah, we knew Kimi was interested in the potty, but you know how active she is. She would rather run around and play than sit on a potty." Chas answered

"Sounds like we're in for another interesting story." Ebony chuckled

As Chas and Kira begin to tell Ebony and Didi about how Kimi's potty training went. Chuckie and Tommy were telling the others the end of Chuckie's story.

"I guess Tommy's mommy and daddy hearded me acause after I was all done using the potty they camed into the bathyroom to says that I did a good job by going in the potty." Chuckie giggled

"Oh yeah, I member now! Angelica, who also stayed over that night, camed into the bathroom crying acause she had a asadent and my mommy and daddy had to takes her to get new jammies!" Tommy laughed

"Oh yeah, that happened too! I just knowded that I was now an anybody since "everybody who is anybody is potty trained". My daddy even letted me picks out my own undiewear at the store after he came back." Chuckie beamed proudly

"I'm guessing with undiewear, you don't wants to go potty in those?" Savannah asked

"Nuh uh, they're very different from diapers." Chuckie shook his head in response

"Yeah they don't hold nothing like diapers do. But, the bestest part about them is you can gets them with your favoritest characters. I have Dummi Bears on mine! I thinks finding out you can only haves the undiewear if your potty trained is why I gots through my potty training easier after my mommy and daddy tolded me abouts it." Kimi added

"Ooh!" Savannah gasped in awe at the new information, "So how did it goes for you Kimi?" Savannah asked shortly afterward, now curious about Kimi's experience.

"Lemme see, I know it was a little while after my second birthday. Besides my brother, I was the firstest one to gets potty trained outta all of us cause I was the nextest olderer baby. Mommy and daddy did the sames with me with firstest telling me that I was going to start using the potty like a big girl afore they cided to takes me out of my diapers for good. Since I still wore my dressy my mommy cided that while I was potty training I gots to wear training pants for a little while. The firstest day that I started, my mommy came into the room to helps me get dressed and instead of a diaper she puts me in some training pants since they're like a diaper and undiewear squished into one thing.

We ended up having beakfast afore my daddy letted us watch Dummi Bears and Space Trek Babies. When Space Trek started was when my mommy takeded me away from watching T.V to the bathyroom as she showeded me how my training pants worked and how you can pulls them down and up. She then helpeded me with my training pants and mades me sits on the potty for the firstest time so I could get uses to it." Kimi began explaining her version while Kira told hers

"Well it was a few months after Kimi-chan's second birthday before Chas and I decided to start on Kimi's potty training. I followed Chas' advice and sat down with Kimi a few days before we started and explained to her that she was going to start potty training soon so she could be a big girl like her brother." Kira started explaining

"We also decided together to take a slightly different approach than I did with Chuckie by having Kimi start in training pants and work our way towards underwear. Especially since at the time she still wore her dress and loved running and jumping around." Chas added in.

"Yes, after explaining to Kimi what was upcoming in the very near future, we went out and brought her some training pants to wear for her first day of potty training. After the usual morning routine, I took Kimi to the bathroom to not only introduce her to the potty but show her how her training pants worked to help her practice her motor skills involved with using the potty. I then had her sit down on the potty to let her get used to the feeling of going to sit down on a potty chair. However, like we mentioned, Kimi is a very active child so it wasn't long before she was up trying to toddle away to find something else to do." Kira continued, letting out a little chuckle.

How will the recollection of Kimi's potty training go? Find out next time!

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