Winter 'Lympics Pt 2

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Happy weekend everyone! Hope your 2023 is going well so far! Have another chapter and I hope you all enjoy.

With that said, Timmy had the group of toddlers line up so he could start picking out the teams. Seeing as, with Tanner included, there would be enough to split everyone into teams of two he did just that.

"Alright I cided we're going to do this since almost each of yous are brothers and sisters I'm going to make you all be in teams of two. Pickles kids you're a team, twins are a team, and Finster you and your sister will be a team too." Timmy explained

"But what about mes? My little sister is too little to play 'Lympics with us asides she's not even here acause my mommy wanted her to stay inside." Savannah questioned

"Duh, you're going to be on a team with my little brother." Timmy scoffed, rolling his eyes

Savannah's face scrunched in disapproval, she didn't like the idea of teaming up with the same kid that broke her younger sister's pacifier. After all, he was the reason that she ended up falsely accusing her best friend of doing such a thing and almost ruined their friendship forever. Not wanting to ruin everyone else's fun though she let out a sigh as Tanner toddled his way over to Savannah as he stood next to her.

"Alright babies, now is time for the firstest event of the winter 'Lympics! We're going to be starting with... Blobsledding! Each of you babies will ride your sleds down big kid mountain and the firstest team to the bottom wins that event of the 'Lympics." Timmy explained, pointing over to the snow covered hill in the distance. "Now, you babies makes your way up big kid mountain with the sleds and when we're ready I'll tells you when to go."

Finishing up his explanation, Timmy then sprinted over to his other four brothers to tell them their instructions for the upcoming events. Meanwhile, Chuckie was voicing his concern about the whole ordeal.

"I don't knows you guys, big kid mountain is really big and and we might gets hurt." Chuckie stammered

"Come on, Chuckie don't be a baby! Besides you gots Kimi right there with yous." Tommy replied, patting his friend on the shoulder

"Yeah you gots me Chuckie. Asides wouldn't it be nice to win the 'Lympics?" Kimi questioned

"Oh...alright," Chuckie sighed, not being able to deny both his best friend and his own sister.

At the same time, Savannah was still iffy about being on the same team as Tanner considering what had happened in the only encounter she had with the other toddler. Seeing as, of course, they've never really personally interacted, Tanner decided to try and speak to the other infant

"So uh, what's your name? I'm guessing you already knoweded mine since Dil said it afore." Tanner asked

"Savannah. And I know all about yous Tanner McNulty, you're the one that tookded my baby sister's binkie, bited it, and mades her cry." Savannah replied, shooting a glare at the other kid as she folded her arms. "Lookit, just acause we're on a team doesn't mean I'm gonna be friends with you or nothing neither. Asides I don't think a bad baby that breaks other kids binkies should win the 'Lympics anyway."

Tanner cringed at the mention of the incident a couple months back, as he felt a slight wave of guilt washing over him. He knew his brothers' motto was quite literally to never say sorry to anyone but he also didn't want his chance of winning the winter 'lympics to slip away all because he got teamed up with a baby he had wronged in the past. Looking around to make sure none of his brothers were in ear shot, Tanner took a deep breath as he looked Savannah in the eyes.

"Okay, okay...don't tell my brothers I said this or they might actually try and take me back to the hopsicle..." Tanner started, glancing over at his older brothers in the distance before continuing. "I'm actually really sorry that I takeded your sister's binkie and brokeded it." Tanner apologized, rubbing the arm of his coat

Savannah just continued to glare at the red head for a moment, seeing as from what she's heard about the McNultys from the others they usually never regret anything they've done.

"You really means it?" Savannah asked

"I do, I square on my favoritest Robosnail action figure." Tanner answered with a nod

A wave of silence washed between the two toddlers as Savannah pondered her response. After all, he really did seem like he was sorry for what he had done. It's not everyday that someone swore on their favorite toy that they were sorry.

"Hmm...fine, I forgives you." Savannah said, finally stopping her glare at the boy

"Thanks." Tanner said, a small smile forming on his face

Noticing the others were making their way over towards big kid mountain, Savannah took Tanner's hand without a second thought as she lead him towards big kid mountain.

"Come on, we're not going to win the 'lympics just standing heres like a bag of rocks." Savannah said, dragging Tanner towards the hill

At the top of the hill, the older McNulty boys made sure that each of the teams had a sled to use as they lined them up at the very top. Upon setting up the sleds up, the McNulty brothers made their way back down to the bottom of the hill with Timmy. At the same time, each of the babies all climbed onto their sleds, ready to go down the hill.

"Gee this mountain is kind of we really has to do this?" Chuckie questioned, standing next to the sled where Kimi had already climbed on

"Come on Chuckie, it'll be fun!" Kimi assured her brother. "Asides, you can just keep your eyes closed when we go down."

Hearing his sister suggest keeping his eyes closed during the descent was relieving to Chuckie to say the least. Taking a deep breath, Chuckie climbed onto the back portion of the sled with his sibling.

"Alright babies, Im going to count to three and when I say it, you sled down the mountain as fast as you can!" Timmy called out from the bottom of the hill

Preparing themselves, each of the teams got in position to go down the mountain as Timmy began his countdown.

"1, 2, 3! Go babies, go!" Timmy yelled

Hearing their cue, the four teams began making their descent down the mountain. The sounds of giggling and happy squealing with the addition of Chuckie screaming in fear were echoing all the way down the mountain.

How will the first event go? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now