Brothers Need Each Other Pt 3

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Happy weekend everyone! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I actually may also be posting a second chapter in a little while so stay tuned

Pulling up to the park, Didi helped Savannah and Dil out of their car seats as she then placed Samayah in her stroller as they made their way into the park and over to the playground.

"Here we are kids, now you two have fun. I'll be right over here" Didi cooed, going over to sit on the bench nearby

Without another thought, Dil and Savannah made their way over to the sandbox as they climbed inside to play with the sand for a little while.

"So what have you been doing todays, Dil?" Savannah asked

"Well...I had a fight with Tommy this morning acause he takeded my toothy ring when I needed it so my daddy takeded Tommy with hims while my mommy takeded me to the store with her. Which is fine acause at least Tommy wouldn't be able to takes my stuff but that meanded that he had to miss seeing the big Reptar thing at the store." Dil explained how his morning went

"Oh...well i'm sure Tommy is sorry that he takded your toothy ring. But um if it makes you feel betterer we can go plays on the slide so you dont haves to think about Tommy." Savannah suggested

"Hmm...sure okay." Dil nodded, standing up

Following behind him, Savannah followed Dil out of the sandbox as they made their way over to play on the playground equipment. After going down the slide a few times, Dil could only wonder what his brother was up to at the time.

Meanwhile, Stu had driven over to the Home Heaven department mall as he drove around to find a parking spot. He knew, with Black Friday right around the corner, there were potentially great deals already coming for most of the items inside the store. Tommy just looked out of the window as they circled around the parking spot, he recognized this place! He had come here before with Chuckie, Phil, and Lil with his daddy and Chuckie's daddy! Finally getting a spot, Stu parked and helped Tommy out of his carseat.

"Alright Champ, ready to go?" Stu asked, taking the toddler's hand

"Uh huh!" Tommy nodded, actually kind of excited to revisit the place

Walking up to the doors, Stu and Tommy made their way inside the building as they walked through the home gardening department on the first floor. The place didn't look that much different than it had the last time Tommy had remembered it. They even had a brand new fountain with a turtle in the middle just like the one from before that Chas had to buy!

Tommy thought about how Dil probably would have liked hearing the story about how they went through the whole place trying to get the turtle back to his daddy on the fountain. However, realizing that Dil wasn't going to get to see the fountain at all, made Tommy frown. Sure, he could always tell Dil about it later but he would have liked it better to explain it while they were in the store.

"Okay, let's see, I do need more sandpaper. Plus I'm sure there's plenty of good deals right now. We'll just have to take a look around huh champ?" Stu grinned, leading Tommy towards the elevator

Making their way into the elevator, Stu then pressed the button going down to the bottom floor. Tommy just looked in awe at everything he could see in the clear elevator as they passed by each layer. Seeing as last time they were on a mission to get the turtle back to the fountain he hadn't had the chance to really see what the whole mall looked like. As the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened with a ding as Stu and Tommy stepped out of the elevator. Of course, the first stop was to the hardware department to grab sandpaper as Stu gathered what he needed and went ahead to pay for it at the checkout line.

"Now that I've gotten what I've come for, let's see what else this place has in store." Stu said, scooping up Tommy to give him a piggyback ride

Taking a walk around the mall, Stu and Tommy had checked out many of the departments and stores littered across the department mall. They even took a stop into the same pet store that Tommy had been in once before as Stu let Tommy down to look at some of the dogs they had in the kennels.

"Doggy!" Tommy squealed in delight going up to a gray puppy in a kennel

"That's right, Tommy, that is a doggy." Stu chuckled at his oldest child's excitement.

The gray puppy dog barked happily as it licked Tommy through the kennel. After playing with the dog for a few more minutes, Stu scooped up Tommy once again as they headed out of the pet store. The next place they went, which required another trip on the elevator to go up a couple floors, was the toys department! Staring once again in awe, Tommy looked around at the several collections of toys throughout the department. Spying Reptar toys pretty quickly, Tommy ran over to look at the various toys.

"Reptar!" Tommy exclaimed

Pressing a button on one of the toys, Reptar's iconic roar began bellowing out of the toy's speakers as Tommy giggled happily. Looking around some more, Tommy also spotted Adventure Squad, Dummi Bears, Dora the Explorer, and even Space Trek Babies' toys! All of them being things his friend's enjoyed watching the tv shows for. However, the one thing he did spot did make him slightly upset, and that was the collection of Goober toys. Tommy thought again about how his brother would have loved seeing all the Goober toys and did feel bad about him missing out just because of their argument. Tommy was then shook from his thoughts when Stu scooped him up once again as he headed towards the elevator.

"Alright Champ, I think that's enough window shopping for one day. But, I do have something even more fun for us to do." Stu explained

Of course, this left Tommy curious as to what they were off to do next as Stu made his way up the elevator and out of the store. Upon getting to the car, Stu helped Tommy into his car seat before sliding into the driver's seat. Soon they were off to their next destination.

Where will Tommy and Stu be off to next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now