The Good, The Bad, and the Second Dil? Pt 2

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Another chapter for you all! Hope you all enjoy!

As Savannah settled in the sandbox on the other side of the yard, Dil sniffled as he rubbed his face on the sleeve of his shirt. He had messed up big time, and it didn't seem like Savannah was ready to forgive him right now if at all. Seeing as they never finished the game they were playing before, Dil figured he should mention to the others that Savannah wasn't playing freeze tag anymore. However, before Dil could take a step towards the older toddlers, he froze in place upon hearing his name coming from what sounded like his mom's voice. Noticing the kitchen window was slightly ajar, Dil made his way underneath it hoping to hear the conversation his mom was having. Moments before, Didi, who had just finished cleaning the mess in the bathroom, ended up having to quickly set the cleaning supplies aside when the house phone began ringing. Picking up the phone, she answered it to no one other than Susie's mother, Lucy.

"Pickles Residence, oh Lucy, Hi how are you?" Didi asked the other mom

"Hi Didi, I'm doing great! Listen, I was wondering if you still had that recipe for salmon with dill sauce?Randy's boss is planning to stop by for dinner later this month and I'm sure Randy would want him to have a pleasant dinner." Lucy explained

"Salmon with dill sauce, oh yes I should have that written down here somewhere. I may end up planting and growing some more dill this year. That dill sauce went well with a lot of things besides the salmon. Anyway I'll bring it later on." Didi answered, taking a step over to the shelf with books in the kitchen to check the recipe book.

"Great, I owe you one. Thank you, bye bye." Lucy said before hanging up the phone

As Didi placed the phone back on the receiver and began flipping through her various recipe books, Dil felt his heart drop to his stomach as he slid down to sit and just process what he just heard. His mom was going to plant more Dil? She was going to replace him with a better version of himself? Considering what just happened only a few minutes ago, that, in Dil's mind, was not completely an unlikely idea. Getting replaced with a better baby that wouldn't get his friends in trouble for things they didn't do sounded like something the grown ups would do.

"Mommy's growing a" Dil murmured as he started to imagine life with a different version of himself existing

In the next blink, Dil found himself in a slightly wobbly and warped version of his backyard. Everyone was gone and it seemed eerily quiet out there even with the sounds of birds chirping. Wandering over towards the sandbox, Dil noticed was him! Or well it looked like him except something was clearly very different. Dil tilted his head in confusion as the other version of himself turned around to him. It was him, except he was dressed just like Tommy was as a one year old with the very same baby blue shirt. The other Dil also held a plastic screwdriver just like Tommy's high above his head.

"A Dilly's gotta do, what a Dilly's gotta do!" The Dil dressed as Tommy bellowed out

"Huh...that's weird..." The original Dil muttered taking a few steps back

While taking a few steps back he ended up bumping into something, another Dil. The other Dil screamed and jumped back, shaking, as the original Dil turned to investigate. It was indeed another version of him, however this Dil had much redder hair and was wearing purple glasses...just like Chuckie's.

"Hey it's okays, I'm not going to hurts you." Dil said to the glasses wearing Dil trying to reach out to him

"Aah! Stays away from me, you're an evil mirror boy! This is bad...really bad...we're all doomed. Doomed I tells you!" The Chuckie Dil screamed, continuing to shake vigorously as he ran to hide behind the tree in the yard.

Before Dil could say something else to the fearful version of himself, he was hit in the back with a ball of mud. Turning to see where the projectile came from, Dil spotted in the distance two more versions of himself fighting in the mud, dressed in the same twin outfits that Phil and Lil wore except one was green and the other was pink.

"It's my turn to throws the mud balls, Dillip!" The Dil in the pink version of the outfit yelled

"No, it's my turn, Dillian!" The Dil in the green yelled back

The two Dil's fight was broken up when a third Dil wandered up behind them wearing purple boots just like Kimi's ran and hopped in the puddle, splashing around mud and giggling at the site of the "twin" Dil's now being covered in mud. As the three DIl's all broke out in a giggling fit, a fourth Dil , looking upset, entered the picture, one with his hair fixed into pigtails...just like Angelica's hair.

"Will you dumb Dil's be quiet!" The fourth Dil wailed in frustration

Finding the whole scene way too freaky, Dil backed away before turning and running towards the back patio door that led into the living room. He was hoping to escape all the different Dil versions that littered the backyard, however he immediately screeched to a stop when he saw several more Dil's around the living room inside...

"I'm telling you Dil, this invlention is going to work!" A Dil dressed like his daddy proclaimed, as the Dil wearing his mommy's dress just shook his head clealy fed up with the inventor Dil. "Its a binkie that returns when you throw it!"

"Why backs in my day, we didn't have no cornflapped returning binkies!" A Dil dressed up like Grandpa Lou, sitting in an armchair, proclaimed from across the living room. "We hads to walk 15...15...zzzzzz" The Grandpa Dil then slowly fell asleep in the chair much like his actual Grandpa.

"Bark bark!" Dil heard as two Dil's came crawling by on all fours as one had a collar similar to Spike and the other like Spiffy's

That's when Dil's attention was drawn to the window as he peeked outside of it, in the neighborhood many more Dil's were among the streets and it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon! The horde of Dil's continued to grow larger and larger, almost taking over the entire neighborhood, all babbling various different things.


"Dil hungry, Dil want eat!"

"We want Diltar! We Want Diltar!"

"Let's go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!" A kind of crudely drawn looking Dil said.

Soon the horde of Dil's collapsed over in a wave in the neighborhood like a Dil tsunami as the original Dil screamed loudly. Of course in the same moment, Dil snapped out of his imaginary vision realizing everything was fine, there was no extra Dil's and there weren't going to be if he had something to do about it! As Dil got on his feet, he realized what he had to do. He just had to prove that he was worth keeping and that's exactly what he was going to do.

Will Dil be able to prove himself and not be "replaced"? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now