What's Your Job? Pt 3

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What's this? Another chapter? Yes indeed it is. I've been on a writing role so I've written up another chapter! To be honest this is one of the few stories in particular I've been super excited to write especially when it's shaping up the next step of life for our main Rugrats gang. Anyway hope you enjoy!

The parents all set up their appointment to meet at the preschool for a tour of the school and what will be happening moving forward. The parents found themselves meeting up at the Woodbury school entrance with the kids as they all greeted each other before heading inside. Of course wanting the kids to look their best, each of the kids got baths the previous night beforehand and some even got the newer outfits that their parents were waiting on bringing out for them to wear the next year. Tommy's outfit remained the same with his typical yellow shirt and blue shorts. Chuckie had on his blue sweatshirt and his new pair of green shorts with a single yellow stripe at the bottom and his regular red tennis shoes. Phil and Lil still had their iconic matching outfits, however, Lil got a much longer dress with a blue stripe in the mid torso section while Phil got another version of his shirt with the striped sleeves and yellow duck that fit him in a much neater way. Kimi ended up getting a new yellow jumper that was similar to the dress she once wore before when she was still a year old as she wore that over the top of a long sleeved pink shirt along with her iconic purple boots again.

Upon entering the school, the parents and kids all saw the inside of the school's main hallway looked with many of the lighting fixtures changes and the walls repainted with a fresh new coat of paint along with various decorations littering them to make the school seem like an inviting environment for both parent and student.

"Fancy place they got here." Betty whistled at the sight of the main hall

"Indeed, it's very nice and cozy." Kira agreed

Walking up to a woman who was sitting at a folding table, Didi went ahead to speak up.

"Hello, we're here for the tour." Didi greeted the woman

"Ah yes! Welcome to the Woodbury Preschool, each family please find your name on this list and sign to check in. Once you've checked in, if you head down to the main hall behind me and turn right, you'll reach the auditorium at the end of the hallway. That's where we'll start out." The woman explained, sliding the clipboard forward with the sign in sheet.

One by one the parents each all found their name to sign in before they all moved to the auditorium. Finding some empty seats, the group all settled into their seats to wait around. After a few minutes went by, a couple teachers and someone, who seemed to be the director of the establishment, stepped onto the stage.

"Good morning everyone, I'd like to welcome you to the Woodbury Preschool. Let me start by introducing myself, I'm Ms. Marjorie, I'm the new head director of this school and I hope to not only bring a welcoming environment but a great learning environment for all your children here today." Ms. Marjorie announced

The crowd of parents and students all clapped at this announcement before Ms. Marjorie continued.

"Now, I'd like you to meet some of our staff before we split you all up for tours. First off we have Mr. Garth here, he's our playground monitor and coordinator to ensure your kids stay safe while playing. Next we have some of our teachers, first up is Ms. Appleby she's the teacher for our first year preschool class. Up next we have Mrs. Honeyberry, she's the teacher for our second year and advanced individual class." Ms. Marjorie introduced the teachers each one by one

After finishing up introductions, the auditorium was divided in four groups based on what section they were sitting in as they all left the auditorium for tours around the school, showing off the various classrooms, the cafeteria, the gym, and playground out back.

"Wow this place is so much different than what I member abouts it!" Tommy said in awe as the walked around the various places in the school

"I think this place is really neat!" Kimi exclaimed

"I can't waits to go here." Lil giggled

"Yeah me too, it seems like lots of fun." Phil also agreed

"If this is how it's gonna bes, I can't waits to comes here when I'm olderer!" Dil beamed, glad that the school seemed nice.

Chuckie, while still seeming a bit hesitant also did enjoy the atmosphere the school gave off as he sighed. "I'm still not so sure about this place, but it does seem really nice."

"It's going to be great, Chuckie! You'll sees!" Kimi reassured her brother trying to ease his mind

Finishing up the tours, the groups all then collected back into the auditorium as Ms. Marjorie stepped up to the mic again.

"I hope you all enjoyed the tour of our wonderful establishment. Now moving on with business involving your children. We will be having two day trial evaluations for your children. This way we can have this time to evaluate how your children behave in a school setting without you around, along with allowing the proctors to evaluate your children's current skill level in our curriculum. This will allow us to ensure your child is placed in the right classroom this fall so that they will meet all of their needs and requirements in preparation for kindergarten in the next year or two." Ms. Marjorie explained to the families before concluding her explanation. "Now to keep this as orderly as possible, we'll call family names out to come and grab the information needed for their child or children's evaluation. Once you have your sheets you are free to leave after this."

"I just hope this evaluation thing doesn't run into our plans to have Chuckie's birthday party next week." Chas commented

The parents of course waited around until each of their names were called to get the information sheets they all needed. Once everyone had their sheets, the rugrats gang all left to head back to the Pickles' household to look over everything.

"Looks like all the kiddos have their evaluation tomorrow and Friday." Betty said, comparing everyone's times for the evaluation

"Oh good, that means we don't have to worry about it interfering with Chuckie's birthday." Kira beamed

"I'm just glad they all got accepted." Howard mentioned

"Yeah, that's good, it means they won't be separated by school at least." Stu agreed

As a mini celebration, the Pickles' ended up ordering pizzas for everyone to eat as the rest of the evening went on. Of course, eventually everyone left, leaving Stu and Didi to get Tommy and Dil ready for bed. Tucking Tommy in for the night, Didi gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie, you have a big day tomorrow so I hope you get a great night's sleep." Didi hummed, turning off Tommy's lights.

Tommy almost couldn't sleep from the excitement alone of basically going to preschool even if it was more so a test. However, he knew he was going to need his rest as he yawned and rolled over on his side to sleep.

How will the evaluation go? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now